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REal nappy week

by june2007 on Fri May 14, 2010 7:01 pm
I won a price of £75.00 to spend on nappies after entering a real nappy weak competion. I have decided to get a few nice and more expensive nappies for bump. Waiting for the voucher now. Looking at a cowprint nappy and a chocolate and blue spot nappy. Exciteing. Not tried the makes before so will be good to see what they are like. What do people think of blueberry's?
0 Comments Viewed 23250 times

more nappies!

by emmalala on Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:38 pm
got a muttaquin taday!
and a shorties and t-shirt set from the nappy garden
0 Comments Viewed 90747 times

A night off?

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:25 pm
Pah, I wish, I haven't even had time to get on here the last few nights, all because of the weather, it's too damn hot! Austin can't sleep so I have been stuck trying to get him to sleep until almost 10 for the last few nights and I'm exhausted. I'm behind with house work because when he finally sleeps I need to do the same and when he's not asleep I'm either looking after him or up at the hospital. It's all such a chore atm. I am happy though as OH isn't feeling too bad so it's almost like he's...

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2 Comments Viewed 241038 times

Tenacious Pea's Stash!

by freyasmummy on Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:25 pm
Nine weeks to go and stash is shaping up NICELY!

Some funds coming in a few weeks to enable further splurging...

Tenacious Pea's stash!

10 x tots bots cotton nippa size 1
3 x Muttaqin newborn
1 Luxebaby (dolphin), small
1 HL bedbug, hedgehog, small
1 Raven Tree Icky Nuts fitted, BTP
1 Sandys, blue, XS
1 Sandys, white, S
1 diddy diaper
1 BuggaBugga Boutique Lator Gator fitted, small
1 BuggaBugga Boutique fore dogs fitted, BTP
1 hemp BBH, BTP
3 cuddlebuns NB shells

1 bamboo square,...

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3 Comments Viewed 9080 times

Feeling lazy

by frankie_n_baby on Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:24 am
I'm waiting for dh to come back after a night away visiting a work colleague/friend. I could have gone, too but didn't fancy the work-related bit (going round the lab and talking about some new things they're going to collaborate on), and didn't fancy the late night followed by being woken early by their kids. Plus, last time we left the cat overnight he pooed on the kitchen floor, despite having a clean litter tray (protest poo) ...

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