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by eviesmummy on Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:42 pm
0 Comments Viewed 459159 times

I should really be in bed but...

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:25 pm
Dh has had an email from an academic acquaintance about a job at the uni of York, which has just come joint top in the country for biology, (and 8th in the country generally, only one below where he is now) and which seems tailor-made. He's thinking of applying, since there's nothing to lose.
I am psyched that I finally got to speak to my mw and sort out my next appointment, given that I've not been seen by anyone for 10 weeks, and that the consultant didn't tell me to make...

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9 Comments Viewed 155484 times

A shorter list but even less sleep.

by Slebro on Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:58 pm
As most of you reading this probably can sympathise, I have no qualms at all in telling you I'm tired and hope that my LO will start *routinely* feeding at set times throughout the night. Having the odd night where he sleeps through, or the majority of nights where he feeds anything from 2 to 4/5/? times isn't really doing me much good at the moment. I have absolutely no idea how many times I've been up the last few nights... definitely more than twice because he's onto '3' or maybe '4', ifkwim....

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0 Comments Viewed 38216 times

Will I never learn...

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:58 am
...To not have food or drink after 8pm? Well, it was another bad acid reflux night that even the usually effective Gaviscon couldn't help with. Oh well, at least I can sleep in when I want to (given that I'm only working tomorrow, and that the first job in weeks). Still, I have a voluntary job to do today- sorting out bat and mammal records for this county for our bat group. Should be fairly tedious but it's something to do that's not housework! ...

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0 Comments Viewed 30528 times

It's all an experiment

by JabberJabber on Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:22 am
We might call the children Experiment #1 and Experiment #2 but sometimes it really does seem like they are experimenting on us.

Isaac sat at the table this morning eating breakfast whilst Anthony and I were getting ready upstairs. Isaac starts to call for daddy.

Anthony comments to me "he'll just need to wait a moment"

"Dad" (short, staccato)
"Dad" (slightly louder)
"Daddy" (gentle)
"Dadeeeee" (sweetly)
'Dad, dad, dad, dad" (insistently,...

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