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The Birth Pool Practice

by jules070603 on Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:39 pm
We had a birth pool practice at the weekend which was fun and Zach really enjoyed helping out.

First up we had to collapse the dining table so out came the toolbox.

Next put down the shower curtains (bargain 50p!!)


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1 Comment Viewed 127284 times

I should really be in bed but...

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:25 pm
Dh has had an email from an academic acquaintance about a job at the uni of York, which has just come joint top in the country for biology, (and 8th in the country generally, only one below where he is now) and which seems tailor-made. He's thinking of applying, since there's nothing to lose.
I am psyched that I finally got to speak to my mw and sort out my next appointment, given that I've not been seen by anyone for 10 weeks, and that the consultant didn't tell me to make...

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9 Comments Viewed 155458 times

Selling & Buying second hand.

by june2007 on Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:22 pm
All is quiet on the nappy front. Looked at the used nappy company. No Wants on it at all and not as many auctions as usual. What is going on. Maybe they are all on here instead. I think no one wants to spend money or at least are out for a bargain. But not many selling either.
0 Comments Viewed 26656 times

My Xmas List

by dawnsmummy on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:27 am
Right, here's my list of presents for xmas!

Got. Need to get.

Dawn (these will be split between her birthday and Xmas!) :
Cars2 garage,
Some cars to go in it,
Vtech Vsmile system with lots of games and extras,
Ciccobello doll,
Mini dinosaur teddies,
Wooden dino block puzzle,
Dinosaur book,
Dinosaur fuzzy felts,

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0 Comments Viewed 21574 times

My blog

by charlibunny on Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:00 pm
Im going to attempt a list of the nappies i own.
this is all i can think off the top of my head but i expect i missed about 20!!!

Ok Lets start ..

Size 1 Fitteds
6 old style tots bots cotton
1 lime cotton tots
1 green cotton tots
10 cotton little lambs
1 hempresto
1 WAHM Dayzee bamboo nappy
2 Nappy nation cotton quick flip style
3 fluffles
2 cuddle buns?
3 size 0 kissaluvs
7 size 1 kissaluvs
1 random WAHM AI2
1 bamboozle

small pockets
2 happy...

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0 Comments Viewed 43207 times