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Hi from Cumbria

by dizzy on Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:37 pm

Hi there from Cumbria
I am enjoying using petit desous nappies with my now eleven month old daughter. She is much happier in them than disposable nappies. I buy all my nappy and baby swim products from littlepants.co.uk We trialled a whole range of nappies when Hannah was tiny before choosing these.
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Last weeks private lesson

by nic1 on Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:42 am
I took the opportunity to have a half hour private lesson on the same horse but it was my riding instructors (RI) day off so i had a different one. My canters are still abit ropey at times. She said my position in trot is good but then i lean forward trying to get the horse into canter as if i am urging him to go into canter and then i get all unbalanced in my position.

I am still enjoying the lessons though and keeping it fun!!
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Angelas nappies Xmas offer

by june2007 on Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:05 am
From 11th of December to the 22nd of December I am doing a giveaway on my website www.angelasnappies.com Be the first to place an order each day and win a price, Prizes include a nappy, wet nappy bag, baby towel, nappy liners. Check out the website for more details. (under 12 days of christmas giveaway.)
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TTC Cycle 1 - 6 DPO

by moonsunstars2 on Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:15 pm
Well, BB's still very sore...... nice high temp this morning :D not much AF cramps but getting the odd one today, with abit of back aching. I started to sneeze alto yesterday and last night got that tell tale tingly cold feeling in the back of my nose and throat. Runny nose today and feel like I have a really mild cold. Very very tired...... But think that is the cold and being kicked awake at 4am...

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29 weeks

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:23 pm
I feel a need to get ready for baby. I don't know why. I have bought my hospital things, I *think* I have got everything for my hospital bag. I think I need to start packing, I feel a *need* to get on and do things but I really want to slow down and enjoy this Christmas with Austin. I can't believe I have less than 80 days until my due date, baby's clothes are all ready, even though we still need to pick up a couple of things I feel like we're getting there but something is missing. Picked up a...

[ Continued ]
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