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The Ittis are going!

by Twinmamma on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:21 am
The decision is made. My SIO Ittis are going after one leg leak too many. I have tried all sorts but they just do not fit Max well and I need more nappies that do :(

I'd love to try some Wee Notions but I fear they could get expensive for two (heart decision) so am getting more Real Easies (head decision) which are just brilliant on both of my boys. I have bought a preloved Itti AIO to try as they are just so lovely...

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0 Comments Viewed 11969 times


by frankie_n_baby on Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:11 pm
All's well with the world- my home birth plans are falling into place. My mw is a lot better, thanks to the letter I sent. Now if someone would just approve my request to join the regulars group... :D
My weenotions are also going to be in my possession fairly soon. Dh has worked from home today and we have oodles of snow to gawp at, while being cosy indoors.
0 Comments Viewed 72980 times

bump's stash and shopping list

by littlesez on Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:25 am
Slings- ring sling, stretchy wrap and maya tie
4 baby gowns
Co sleeper cot upstairs Moses basket downstairs
Bamboo velour holdens landing blanket although very girly!
baby toiletries
Baby clothes

10 Bamboo terry squares
10 little lamb bamboo
2 xs oww
2 s oww
1 s Wnnn
2 s dunk and fluff
2 raven tree one size
Got a few medium and large too
20 cloth wipes
1 size1wrap
Medium,large and Xl monkey foots

5 newborn soakers
5 small soakers
1 shorties
2 dungarees ...

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0 Comments Viewed 288722 times

Yet another waiting game

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:51 pm
So this time it's me. Today I went to see the doctor about being tested for Huntington's disease, which runs in my family. I actually came away feeling much better about it, not for myself, I can live with that, for me not knowing is worse than anything else. For the fact that apparently while it is unlikely there is anything that can be done if I have it, it is quite likely that, should Austin get the disease, there will be some sort of treatment. The dr I saw today was much better than any other...

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Hiccups and BH

by sophDC on Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:55 pm

I had a so-so evening yesterday.
Good points:
Cooking my OH a chilli con carne (not my cup of tea, but may have converted myself, haha!) and him adoring it :)
Pampering bath
Hypnobirthing relaxtion and massage
Not so good points:
Really sudden shooting pains down there, maybe to do with the engagement of the baby's head? At my 34 week mw appt baby was 3/5 engaged. This was followed by some rather intense...

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