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sick today :(

by winniewheresmypooh on Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:08 am
5+6 today and boy I feel rough. Typically it is DS2's birthday.

Have been sick this morning for the first time. I have been nauseous for a few days but managed to hold it in but this morning it wasn't going to go away.

Have my Dr's appointment on Thursday so maybe when I am in the system it might all start feeling real. Not that it doesn't feel real. I know I am pregnant and am certainly feeling it but mentally I don't feel quite as excited as I thought I would. We tried for this baby and wanted...

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1 Comment Viewed 10990 times

It's all an experiment

by JabberJabber on Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:22 am
We might call the children Experiment #1 and Experiment #2 but sometimes it really does seem like they are experimenting on us.

Isaac sat at the table this morning eating breakfast whilst Anthony and I were getting ready upstairs. Isaac starts to call for daddy.

Anthony comments to me "he'll just need to wait a moment"

"Dad" (short, staccato)
"Dad" (slightly louder)
"Daddy" (gentle)
"Dadeeeee" (sweetly)
'Dad, dad, dad, dad" (insistently,...

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A little blitz goes a long way

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:19 pm
I had a good old tidy today, started at 9 and just about finished at 3. I have re-arranged my furniture, hoovered (several times), polished, washed, scrubbed the carpet in several places, de-cluttered and put away and had a general tidy, oh and mopped the floors. I feel much happier and even plucked up the courage to phone OH. All was fine on the phone so I'm going to go see him again. I will take the advice I was given and let all the nasty comments (if there are any) go over my head. Tidy house,...

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6 Comments Viewed 224026 times

Superfood to boost your mood diet diary

by littlesez on Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:52 pm
Recording this weeks diet to keep track and stay on top of eating superfoods


2 slices wholemeal toast with banana and honey
decaf coffee and soya milk
HUGE salad with tomato, cucumber, rocket, falafel, olives, avocado
black decaf coffee
2 Flapjacks made with vegan butter, agave syrup muscavado sugar, banana oatts...

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0 Comments Viewed 280320 times

Newborn stash

by fivefourfour on Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:55 pm
So far we have:


14 size 1 Tots Bots Bamboozle Stretchies
6 nb Bugga Bugga Boutique Basics
4 BabyKicks Organic OS


Size 0 Tots Bots PUL wrap, Sugarplum
Size 0 Tots Bots PUL wrap, Sweetpea
Size 0 Tots Bots PUL wrap, Cosmic
Size 0 Tots Bots PUL wrap, Yellow Spots
Size 0 Tots Bots wrap, Green Stars
Size 0 Tots Bots wrap, Rainbow Stripe
Size 0 Tots Bots wrap, Rainbow Spots
S Fishnoodle...

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0 Comments Viewed 18211 times