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Holly's first cloth

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:36 am
Holly is now 10 days old and I have just put her in a Little Gumnut fitted and Gen-Y wrap. A part of me wishes we had started sooner but I wanted to wait for her stump to come off first which it now has (cord stumps scare me :lol: )
so we will see how today goes and hopefully by the end of the day we will have some idea of what is going to work ...

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Rival closeing down.

by june2007 on Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:51 pm
A friend who also sells nappies is stopping selling them, which in someways is good as she is a rival. I have oppted to try and sell her stash. I would buy it all from her but I don't shift enought stuff to do that. I know she had her foot in the door of the local hospital so now she has gone I shall try getting my foot in the door. She is doing more holistic therepy, and if you live in hinckley I can say she does a lovely massage. The good news is that there is one less nappy seller in Hinckley....

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1 Comment Viewed 39554 times

Living with a child with severe allergies

by ericaj1 on Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:59 pm
On April 12th 2006 we woke up excited, today Jack was 6 months old and starting weaning. I was planning on giving baby rice but I was a poor expresser due to a rubbish manual pump I now know so had no milk to mix it with. I decided to nip out and get him some rusks as these could be mixed with water into mush for him.

We had a busy day so didn't get down to feeding him till teatime ish perhaps a bit earlier. He wolfed it all down and really enjoyed it, within a few minutes though he looked very...

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by Amesmum on Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:55 am
I'm so excited about the ZinniaFlower nappies I've added to my site, I just had to share a pic!

Nadine :D
0 Comments Viewed 4977 times

Latest purchase

by june2007 on Fri May 28, 2010 9:05 pm
Ok I have spent my voucher on 1 Blueberry Minki,1 Blueberry bamboo and 1 I think it was an easy peasy nappy. As well as a baby gown, wet nappy bag and some liners. £75.00 didn't get as much as I thought it would. But at least I have some new nappies to try and some funky ones for bump due in july. DD only has them at night thesedays.
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