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Not in a good place

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:38 am
and I can't find my way out. I'm trying so hard not to break down in tears at every little thing at the minute. OH has hit a bad place emotionally and he won't admit it so he's taking a lot of it out on me but on Saturday I just couldn't take it anymore and walked out of the hospital and left him there, I also didn't go back yesterday, I thought if I gave him chance to think he might pull out of it. Unfortunately not, I phoned him earlier on and I got another tirade. I'm tired (one of the things...

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7 Comments Viewed 230517 times

Reviews on the 'to do' list for these holidays!

by clothmama on Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:13 am
As many of you know I'm in the middle of exams but getting these pad reviews done are on the list of things I need to get done these holidays! Unfotunately things have been manic for me for the past 6 months or so - I feel like I've barely drawn breath!! Sorry for the long wait! :oops:
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No going back now!!

by nic1 on Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:09 pm
Well it's all booked for tomorrow. Took Emmas pony club forms to the riding stables (RS) as they needed signing on their behalf too and booked a lesson while i was there!! It's tomorrow, half hour private lesson on a horse called Roxy, eeekkkk, scared but at the same time very much looking forward to it also :D :D ...

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1 Comment Viewed 31961 times

Teething, boobs and ventures new

by loumo on Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:42 pm
Not much chance to blog this week. Kit is teething. Big time. Which means we alternate between nursing strike on one side, gnawing the nipple to bits but not sucking, then screaming in fury when milk dares to drench her, and suckling constantly, even drinking while asleep. Oh, yes, and screaming when the boob goes anywhere else. Each morning is an unknown...will the boob be her only comfort or the butt of her rage?! Will I be lopsided and wishing she'd feed, or drained and wishing she'd stop?...

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0 Comments Viewed 8049 times

19 months and all is well!

by fivefourfour on Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:15 am
Yesterday Moo was 19 months and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. :bebykiss:

I have finally got a permenent job, and so although money is still tight, the light at the end of the tunnel is bigger and brighter than ever. Training seems to be going well, and I'm looking forward to the new store opening and the real work starting! J's work are opening up a more local branch, and he...

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2 Comments Viewed 19285 times