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by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:46 pm
I went to bed last night with my determined head on. I was sure I could get up today and just ignore the morning sickness, apparently not.
Cue 1am and a police helicopter passing so low overhead it could have taken off the chimney and waking Austin up, well 2.20 and he's still awake and I could kill for some sleep. OH brings him down stairs and I get some more broken sleep until 4 when all goes quiet because A has fallen asleep on the sofa and I think I might get ome proper sleep. Then the stomach...

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by eviesmummy on Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:28 pm
0 Comments Viewed 34692 times

The Birth Pool Practice

by jules070603 on Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:39 pm
We had a birth pool practice at the weekend which was fun and Zach really enjoyed helping out.

First up we had to collapse the dining table so out came the toolbox.

Next put down the shower curtains (bargain 50p!!)


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1 Comment Viewed 127493 times

Had a semi private lesson with best friend!

by nic1 on Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 pm
We had great fun. I was on Roxy again (i love that mare) and my friend being taller than me was on Benson who is bigger than Roxy. They are very good horses though and we loved it. I cantered again and had fun. My friends horse was just meant to trot and he started to canter but my friend sat really well on him and she enjoyed it too. It was her first lesson back in the saddle in about 7 years so we have booked again for next week! ...

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Night time nappies.

by june2007 on Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:34 pm
My 4yr old was dry at night but not now. I think it's because she is sleeping for longer so I have to go back to nappies. I think my two onesize blue berries may fitr her, but I don't think there good for night. My lollipop popngroes should be ok. But i only have two. What does everyone else use for s four year old.
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