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And a few more....

by becsom on Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:11 pm
Finally got around to taking piccies of the other pockets I made.
They're 'inspired', by the Blueberry Side-snaps in large.
Ok, yes - just a blatant copy of the shape and style :giggle:

Two PUL side-snaps, both with microfleece inners. A bit boring but nice and practical!

And another...

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3 Comments Viewed 10355 times

Updated stash list...

by Velvetsteph on Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:57 pm
This is my 'in use' stash... I've got more that are for sale and more that are waiting for her to grow into... :giggle:

2 Medium Ecobubs
3 Large-standard rise Weenotions
1 Medium Preston Pants
1 Large Slinky Minky
1 Medium PBPD
1 Medium Blueberry SS
2 Large standard Minkys

Onesize pockets: 6
2 Weenotions OS
2 Bumgenius
2 Blueberry OS

AI2s: 9
3 Medium Itti d lish
1 Large Itti d lish
3 Cute...

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0 Comments Viewed 28870 times

2nd lesson!!

by nic1 on Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:22 pm
Just had my 2nd lesson earlier, same horse and instructor, found out today that Roxy is abit bigger than i was originally told so she is in fact a horse (approx 15HH).

We did lots of trotting, Roxy is quite lazy at times apparently and it can be hard work getting her into trot but i felt i did well. 2nd lesson so very early days but i think i'm doing ok. :wine: ...

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0 Comments Viewed 38818 times

19 months and all is well!

by fivefourfour on Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:15 am
Yesterday Moo was 19 months and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. :bebykiss:

I have finally got a permenent job, and so although money is still tight, the light at the end of the tunnel is bigger and brighter than ever. Training seems to be going well, and I'm looking forward to the new store opening and the real work starting! J's work are opening up a more local branch, and he...

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2 Comments Viewed 21545 times

Wasn't meant to be. :(

by winniewheresmypooh on Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:39 pm
So had my scan this morning. I was right. The baby is gone. Such a blow at this stage. Heartbeat and movement found at 20 week scan so has died at some point in the last 2 or 3 weeks.

Got to think about undoing everything now. Untelling people. Packing up the baby clothes etc. The worst bit is having to deliver the baby. Seems so cruel to have to go through that and not have a baby at the end of it.

Hopefully they will find a reason for it but as I said in blog yesterday I knew it was not going...

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