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Last weeks private lesson

by nic1 on Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:42 am
I took the opportunity to have a half hour private lesson on the same horse but it was my riding instructors (RI) day off so i had a different one. My canters are still abit ropey at times. She said my position in trot is good but then i lean forward trying to get the horse into canter as if i am urging him to go into canter and then i get all unbalanced in my position.

I am still enjoying the lessons though and keeping it fun!!
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First week in cloth

by litlestar on Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:38 pm
We've just finished our first (Almost full week) in cloth. Lil Man was 4 weeks old on saturday and is now over 9 lbs.

we've used mainly
Itti Bitti D'lish
Motherease OS as day and night nappy
Pop ins as a night nappy

so far we've only had a few minor leaks, the coolababy aren't a good fit at the mo (peed straight out of the leg) the itti bittis area good daytime nappy but i did have a minor poo leak ...

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0 Comments Viewed 4108 times

My stash so far (pic)

by DanielleUK on Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:15 pm
My stash so far

1st row L
Orange 7 Yellow Flexi tots
Zebra Blueberry pocket one size
Modern baby nappy & wrap
Babyland red nappy
Swaddlebees blue nappy

2nd & 3rd row (wraps)
Blueberry minxy wrap (brown with pink dots)
Blueberry Minky Wrap (browns and blues)...

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0 Comments Viewed 5893 times

My pregnancy diary

by littlesez on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:13 am
Well I am starting from now which is 33 weeks +4, due on 15th Feb. I have had a very easy time of it, no complications or issues. I am extremely grateful for this but unfortunatley it means i annoy others with my constant state of excitement and positivity about pregnancy! I have genuinely loved every minute of it and why not, its a fabulous time of life, the best yet. My hubby Rob is equally giddy, we're both really excited about our new addition and becoming parents. ...

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6 Comments Viewed 412772 times

Clothnappytree Raspberry Pi project

by MrC on Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:22 pm
After a long wait, the eagerly anticipated Raspberry Pi has arrived!! :) :)

Apparently the Raspberry Pi is a little easier to get hold of in England, but I down under count myself very lucky to have got one after many months of waiting.

You might have heard about the Raspberry Pi as they're made by an innovative UK organisation...

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