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Selling & Buying second hand.

by june2007 on Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:22 pm
All is quiet on the nappy front. Looked at the used nappy company. No Wants on it at all and not as many auctions as usual. What is going on. Maybe they are all on here instead. I think no one wants to spend money or at least are out for a bargain. But not many selling either.
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by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:55 am
OH felt baby move for the first time this morning :wine: we were lying in bed while Austin hadn't quite woke up and she was kicking away so OH got to feel :mrgreen:
She got herself in to a funny position earlier too and stuck her bottom against tummy, it felt very strange! We have a looooong way to go...

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by eviesmummy on Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:29 am
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Testing nappy.

by june2007 on Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:00 am
Lollipop are launching a new nappy it's a cross between there current softee and there micro. I was the tester. I tried size 1 on my son. It was a lovely soft minkee nappy with a seperate booster. I also tried the lollipop wrap provided. (also velsro) very soft and snuggly and not as bulky as the older lollipop nappies. TRied during the day and the night and one very satisfied customer. They are launching it in Red, Orange, Blue, White and green (I think.) Will be putting it onmy website. Size one...

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Going Green With Your Baby? 7 Ways to Combine Cloth & EC...

by tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:24 am
Nappies become a parenting tool while practicing EC - useful, but not essential all the time.

You'll discover that you can reduce your reliance on nappies and have a more relaxed approach to toilet training all together, as your confidence with managing your baby's hygiene needs in alternative ways will increase. You'll be able to confidently hold your baby nappy free in your arms or in a baby sling for parts of the day at home, even just in pants when in a sling when out...

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