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Are you alright?

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:13 pm
Ah the age old question, most frequently asked when the world has taken a great big crap right on your doorstep. We all know the correct response "I'm ok" and at the present time I frequently have this little Q&A, but would you like to know a secret.... I'm not ok, in fact ok was a few stops down the line and I am now heading full steam ahead into a little town precariously perched between sanity and a nervous break down.
My head is spinning, I don't know where to unload all the sh**...

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3 Comments Viewed 256560 times

A little blitz goes a long way

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:19 pm
I had a good old tidy today, started at 9 and just about finished at 3. I have re-arranged my furniture, hoovered (several times), polished, washed, scrubbed the carpet in several places, de-cluttered and put away and had a general tidy, oh and mopped the floors. I feel much happier and even plucked up the courage to phone OH. All was fine on the phone so I'm going to go see him again. I will take the advice I was given and let all the nasty comments (if there are any) go over my head. Tidy house,...

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6 Comments Viewed 222154 times

My stash for Bump :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:16 pm
Thought I'd keep my list for Bump on here...

Possibly yet to buy but might not...
1 x Northern lights with matching small and NB wrap
A few more wraps I think too...

Sized Fitteds: (32)
2 x Small Lucy's Hope Chest (LHC) organic bamboo velour (OBV)
1 x Small HL(Holden's Landings) Dreamscape (night nappy but I'm sure it'll be used daytimes too)
1 x Small Jimmy Riddles elephants
11 x Size 1 tots (organic and original) dyed various colours
1 x Little Lambs size 1 red&yellow dip dyed
6 x XS Sandies...

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2 Comments Viewed 89914 times

Had a semi private lesson with best friend!

by nic1 on Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 pm
We had great fun. I was on Roxy again (i love that mare) and my friend being taller than me was on Benson who is bigger than Roxy. They are very good horses though and we loved it. I cantered again and had fun. My friends horse was just meant to trot and he started to canter but my friend sat really well on him and she enjoyed it too. It was her first lesson back in the saddle in about 7 years so we have booked again for next week! ...

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0 Comments Viewed 30769 times

5+6: powering through

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:35 am
So I have known about this pregnancy for 4 days and had horrible nausea for 3 of those. Today I am working on powering through. For those that are new here, this is all new to me, I suffered no pregnancy symptoms with my boy and i am not enjoying them. OH had his last round of chemo for leukemia in November last year and we were warned it would likely take years for his fertility to return if it ever did. We were given the ok to ttc in May and here we are after only one cycle of actually trying...

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