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a quick update.

by clairelana on Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:42 am
I've been busy dyeing and painting this last week or so.
I will be putting my work on here as i finish it.
All the ones i'm doing are already ordered.
When i get chance i will do some ready done ones for the shop.

I'm also looking to do collabs with woolie WAHM's I have one for BBM that i'm in the middle of.

Heres the first one - Pink LWI with butterfly.

and a few more -

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0 Comments Viewed 10852 times

Feeling the terry love...

by Slebro on Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:09 pm
Despite spending time browsing beautiful nappies ont'interweb and looking through classifieds here :coffee: , I do not own many pretty nappies. We have tuttos (which are pretty enough for us really), a few bumgenius, a lone dream-dri ... and terry squares. These are cheap and cheerful cotton ones from Boots. From early afternoon onwards, each time I change my lo I am almost guaranteed to put him...

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0 Comments Viewed 14415 times

Still nothing to go on

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:16 pm
Well the doctors are still not giving us OH's cancer levels. It's getting to be some kind of round-a-bout game. I ask someone who has to ask someone else which takes so long that I've left the hospital and no-one is telling OH much either. We DO know that his white blood cell count has now hit 0 which is a good and bad thing: good because the only way it can go now is up which means he should be able to come home soon, bad because it means he has no immune system and so is likely to have had every...

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3 Comments Viewed 236884 times

Stash busting

by fivefourfour on Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:16 pm
Well, we've tweaked the stash again! and streamlined the nappies to just those that really suit us. The pockets are out the window and we are sticking firmly to AIOs and SIOs.

It still amazes me how different people react to the same nappy. A couple of the pockets I ordered were tried and tested nappies that many people rated very highly, yet I just didn't see the appeal. And then some people tried some of the nappies I can always rely on, only to find they leaked...


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1 Comment Viewed 19913 times

Wool Stash.

by paintedclaws on Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:53 pm
I finally sorted photo's (i'm always waiting on something so figured i may as well just do them now)...well i say sort but i got bored halfway through so Poppy's are bunched up a bit. :giggle:

Soaring Sheep, Neels, Pixieknits

Neels, Pixieknits, Neels, Pixieknits

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1 Comment Viewed 82789 times