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This mornings lesson!

by nic1 on Sun May 17, 2009 5:31 pm
It went really well today, enjoyed it lots. Alfie was good in canter and Emma also did a couple of short canters too on Twix her pony!! :wine: :wine:
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Opps couldn't resist!

by Sophiebeth23 on Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:58 am
I had to get these prints as Mio Solo works so well for us!
0 Comments Viewed 21528 times


by Cadiva on Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:39 pm
See, I said I'd forget about this. I used to be incredibly efficient, it came with being a journalist, you had to know who was where and doing what and when you could manage to pin down which person it was you needed to speak to.
I wouldn't say I used to hang around on the streets but there were odd occasions when I'd just happen to bump into the councillor/policeman etc that I needed to ask something when they left the supermarket or the pub!

But, since having James, I have the memory of a sieve....

[ Continued ]
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Dawn's Nappy Stash Dec 09

by dawnsmummy on Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:42 pm

Mutts; FS Mickey mouse, SS GHMILY and SS Purple Ooga

Bumpers; only one has poppers at the moment

Mummy made at the back, the Little Mermaid one is tatty and needs...

[ Continued ]
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It all starts tomorrow

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:07 pm
Tomorrow will be OH's first day of chemo and I currently have no idea how I feel about it I don't even know what to write. I have to be strong but sometimes just want to curl up in a corner. Austin can't spend much time with him because he just gets bored and has to be taken out of the hospital, I'm worried he will barely get to see OH if he gets bored and OH is too ill. I'm still not convinced this isn't all some horrid nightmare.
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