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Still nothing to go on

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:16 pm
Well the doctors are still not giving us OH's cancer levels. It's getting to be some kind of round-a-bout game. I ask someone who has to ask someone else which takes so long that I've left the hospital and no-one is telling OH much either. We DO know that his white blood cell count has now hit 0 which is a good and bad thing: good because the only way it can go now is up which means he should be able to come home soon, bad because it means he has no immune system and so is likely to have had every...

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3 Comments Viewed 236533 times

my very own blob!

by usinukveg on Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:33 pm
exciting! i have a blob. this website is getting better and better.

speaking of blobs. my stomach is looking more and more blobish by the day. mr. frenchveg is worried that it isn't growing properly as I'm more than halfway through and just now starting to show. however, scan results show an abnormally large head (takes after his/her mum this little person) and a teeny tummy. i figure that the two balance one another out...right? i must admit that i have been worried that i would give birth to a...

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3 Comments Viewed 10255 times

Nappy stash ;)

by emmalala on Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:58 pm
well here is my current nappy stash

WNs and ittis (my faves)

little hippie knits shorties


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by Laura2904 on Thu May 14, 2009 11:49 am
Hi there, I'm new here!
I am loving cloth nappies! They're so much fun but so addictive. I can see myself spending way too much if I'm not careful lol!
I'm trying loads of different brands and all seem to be pretty good except any "small size" doesn't fit Holly very well.
Holly is my youngest- born 27 jan 2009. I have another called Emma born 29 May 2004, and yes, you are right she is turning...

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Mouse's stash

by fivefourfour on Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:32 pm
So, as I've organised myself regarding Peanut's nappies, I thought I'd try and do the same with the Mouse.

11 Tots Bots Easyfits:
1 x green
2 x orange
1 x yellow
1 x red
2 x gingerbread
1 x cosmic
1 x mushroom magic
1 x cherrylicious
1 x flower power

4 fishnoodles SIO:
1 x plaid
1 x giraffe
1 x mint chocolate
1 x ooga booga
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