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12+4: scan tomorrow

by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:45 pm
Well it appears my nausea is still lurking, not as bad as it was by any stretch but still there all the same and making dinner times a tad unpleasant. Still tired a lot, luckily I am getting a bit of time each afternoon to catch a cat nap otherwise I'm not sure how I would be getting through the day :oops:
Got our scan tomorrow morning ...

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Caught the littlest's POO!!!

by Mumma-Boo on Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am
Well as the title says, I finally managed to catch my littlest poo without it going all over the wrap - today is a good day!!! :yahoo:

A small victory I know, Im sure her nxt poo will go everywhere lol!!

Putting flushable liners ontop of the insert is definately the way forward - I almost have too wrap it up to ensure no spillages!!

One happy Mumma-Boo today!! ...

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Living with a child with severe allergies

by ericaj1 on Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:59 pm
On April 12th 2006 we woke up excited, today Jack was 6 months old and starting weaning. I was planning on giving baby rice but I was a poor expresser due to a rubbish manual pump I now know so had no milk to mix it with. I decided to nip out and get him some rusks as these could be mixed with water into mush for him.

We had a busy day so didn't get down to feeding him till teatime ish perhaps a bit earlier. He wolfed it all down and really enjoyed it, within a few minutes though he looked very...

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6 weeks

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:26 pm
OK so today wasn't too bad, felt a bit rubbish this morning and could quite happily have gone back to sleep when Austin got up at 6.20 but I got up and got on with the day. Nausea coming and going, the heat hasn't helped and I have had to eat something about every 2 hours but I am trying to get meals in with snack between and it seems to have worked a bit better. I am praying that the worst is over (I know I have about another 6 weeks but a girl can hope) and I just have to hope that it's just the...

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Nappy Stash .. Updated :)

by weefywoo on Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:45 am

Tops row Guerilla Fluff .... Bottom row DnF, HO & Jimmy Riddles

Fluff N Stuff (2 missing)

Dunk n Fluff

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