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by frankie_n_baby on Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:20 pm
I'm a little bit nervous right now as I'm going to try a new yoga class tonight. Just waiting for my dh to come with the car. It's the same instructor, and there's a possibility that some of the regulars from my other class will be there. There are other pregnant women there, apparently. It's supposed to be a slightly less strenuous form, too, so not quite sure why I'm nervous, except that am not sure exactly where to go to find the leisure centre bit. And because, I always...

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0 Comments Viewed 32241 times

alfies fluffy bum stash so far :)

by nappymad09 on Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:49 pm
17 tots cotton nippa nappies sz 1
1 thirsties fitted
1 eco bubs wool pocket medium
1 muttaquin medium
1 tots stetchie sz 1
1 tots flexi tots sz 1
2 bg aios xs and small
1 itti aio blue polka dots SMAll
1 rumparooz in gumball
2 pop in bamboos
1 piddle poddle ai2 small
1 tush fitted small
2 wnnl 1 med 1 small
1 poddlekins (think thats the correct name) small
another ai2 unsore on name small
mighty mouse fitted not sure on name snall
lil stinkies pocket small
UD pockets small in choc small, space and...

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0 Comments Viewed 3529 times

Early arrival

by june2007 on Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:44 pm
Like my previous baby. Julian Stephen was born 5 weaks early. In Scbu he used Dispicables, but now I am trying different ones. The trouble is my all in one nappies don't really go smaller enough. They all seem so bulky, so what do I use? Good old terry squares. I also have an old style size 1 Fuzzi bunze which for some reason is smaller then the new style. (Which is too big for him.). My mum thinks I have lots of cloth nappies, So think I have enough for now.
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the wrong kind of weather

by loumo on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:22 pm
This blog entry has been delayed due to unseasonable rain. It seems to be April here in the middle of June. Which my brain can't quite handle and so I keep running three washloads per day (let's face it, cloth nappies and blw mean stcks of laundry!) then having to hang it all over the house and keep turning it and checking it...

Anyway, I got the fidget scarflet finished. Bought buttons for it, about which I am yet undecided. Also got a button cute enough for impress...for 10p! Started a second...

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0 Comments Viewed 7773 times

Let the journey begin!

by Edit on Tue May 21, 2013 3:16 pm
Yesterday I pre-washed my first 6 cloth nappies, they are on the airer right now (it is really cold here these days so they did not get dry overnight), and tomorrow our cloth nappy adventure begins :yahoo:

But our story started more than 10 years ago when I heard a program on the radio about disposable nappies. I don't remember what they said in that program but I remember very well that I was shocked....

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