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It's all an experiment

by JabberJabber on Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:22 am
We might call the children Experiment #1 and Experiment #2 but sometimes it really does seem like they are experimenting on us.

Isaac sat at the table this morning eating breakfast whilst Anthony and I were getting ready upstairs. Isaac starts to call for daddy.

Anthony comments to me "he'll just need to wait a moment"

"Dad" (short, staccato)
"Dad" (slightly louder)
"Daddy" (gentle)
"Dadeeeee" (sweetly)
'Dad, dad, dad, dad" (insistently,...

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by BAMummy on Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:04 pm
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In the beginning....

by sezzlebum on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 am
I'm a cloth convert and now im a cloth addict :giggle:
Aimee was born on August 11th, 2 weeks late, and to begin with we used disposables, i had been curious about cloth nappies but always thought they were to fiddley, probably more messy etc etc

So for the first 6 and a half weeks we used huggies, during that time i researched reusable nappy schemes and found one in manchester, the council offered...

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Real Nappies = Real Savings!

by Veolia UK on Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:11 pm
West Berkshire Council and Veolia Environmental Services are launching their new season of Nappuccinos, to encourage parents to make the change to real nappies. Changing to real nappies has lots of benefits for families, including saving money and reducing the amount of waste thrown away.

On the first Wednesday of the month (during term time) parents are invited to our Nappuccino event. You can drop by for a FREE cuppa and sign up for a FREE nappy trial, where you can try over twenty different...

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Whoops again

by Cadiva on Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:30 am
Oh my, I can't believe it's been more than half a year since I've looked at this blog. James is two-years-old today and so far is really testing my patience!
He's been pushing his luck for quite a few weeks now being really defiant but now he seems to have gone full out for the little terror. He's ignoring everything he's being asked not to do (like play with the things on Daddy's desk) and so I've had to shut the safety gate to the office again which resulted in him having a melt down.
Now he's...

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