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More nappy washing

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:16 pm
Despite the warnings of snow and sleet in the West, I am washing my little lambs (most of them) and my tots bots at the mo. Did a 30-- without detergent, and am now doing a 40 with about 1/3-1/2 detergent (we never use much, anyway). There seem to be no suds, so maybe I need to add a bit more detergent. If I'd started earlier I would have given them a 40-- with detergent, too, but want to hang them out to make the most of the sunshine and breeze.

Yoga went well last night,...

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3 Comments Viewed 37161 times

Oh the wonderful world of cloth nappies!

by frankie_n_baby on Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:04 pm
Well, I was in the mood to start a blog today. I joined CNT last week and am already spending too much time on here :wink: Still, it's all in the name of research, don'tcha know? I am so grateful that Steph started a thread asking people for feedback and help on some questions I had about cloth nappies- being a complete novice- it has helped SO much. I am amazed at how quickly just going...

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2 Comments Viewed 40693 times

A fluffy update

by fivefourfour on Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:07 am
Well, it didn't take long before I was forced to re-evaluate my stash.

The Ittis were, although slimmish and absorbant, an awful fit once Merry started walking. That, and the hardness of the inserts (rather a cardboard effect that bamboo often has) prompted me to give them the heave-ho, so we were back to fluffles and wraps when at home and WN AI2s when out and about.

Then I discovered Close Parent Pop Ins. ...

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Feeling the terry love...

by Slebro on Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:09 pm
Despite spending time browsing beautiful nappies ont'interweb and looking through classifieds here :coffee: , I do not own many pretty nappies. We have tuttos (which are pretty enough for us really), a few bumgenius, a lone dream-dri ... and terry squares. These are cheap and cheerful cotton ones from Boots. From early afternoon onwards, each time I change my lo I am almost guaranteed to put him...

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24+5 Sad and happy day.

by winniewheresmypooh on Thu May 17, 2012 9:14 am
24+5 today. It has been ages since my last entry but I could never put into words what I wanted to say. I have had a few ups and downs and lots of tears to get to this point. I have been doing a pretty good job of ignoring being pregnant up till now and very few people know (or knew) but now that I have this bump, it is getting hard to hard..

This stage in my last pregnancy I...

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