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bad week :-(

by g murphy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:22 pm
Well where to begin?

My nan and step grandad live in a little mountain village in spain ( http://mapq.st/hYIzg8 ) They have lived there for about 10 years now and have stayed very active up to the past few weeks.
My nan has had a few bad kidney infections in the past few weeks and has been sent to a&e 3 weeks ago ( where within 4 hours she was seen, had CT and ultrasound scans, Xrays and blood and urine tests and got...

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3 Comments Viewed 10597 times

Most recent things.

by clairelana on Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:16 pm
Here a few of the thing i've been up to recently.

I'm hoping to get myself back up and running asap. I'm feeling much more like myself again. I have missed doing this.
I have a few more things to take pictures of then i wll add them to this post.

Thank you for looking,
1 Comment Viewed 110992 times

20 weeks, it's a. . .

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:35 pm
GIRL :widesmile:
bump pic

need to upload the scan picture but I can't believe we are having a girl :mrgreen: ...

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Starting a nappy blog

by june2007 on Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:36 pm
Hi I am Angela and I have started a nappy blog. I am also a nappy advisor with my own nappy site. I have mostly used Terry squares with my DD with motherease rikki wraps. However i do have a few BG's for use with my child minder and some Bamboozles size1. After 2 1/2 years my Boots/Mothercase Terries arenot as soft as they were so am debating on weather to use them on Bump due in July. Not decided on what to use. I also have a Lolliop rainbow size 1 and the odd fuzzibunz.
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My 12 month old was dry over 7 hours last night! WOO HOO!

by tribalbaby on Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:16 am
Ahh, had a milestone last night, I'm thrilled.

As Jett has a brace on / between his legs for his clubfoot correction, I can't do night EC as I did with Mavey, though I tried for 9-10 months!

He wears an eco disposable each night, I empty it in the garden!

Anyhoo, I'm running out - have three left, so on stretching out mode (I hate buying more nappies)

I use some cloth, but dislike the wetness, he wriggles so much.

Last night I put a hand towel in a snap cover at about 7 when he passed out.

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