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moving house and making nappies

by usinukveg on Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:14 pm
So we're moving house...slowly.

Luckily Mr Frenchveg and I live little, so we're able to transport everything in suitcases between the old rental and the new. Thank goodness for wheely cases! The worst trip for Mr Frenchveg was my crockpot and a load of books all in one suitcase (he packed it!!) but kudos to him for all of the heavy lifting he's done.

A question for the UKers, where do you buy toilet brushes???? Why can't I locate a shop that sells this very necessary household cleaning implement???...

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2 Comments Viewed 7449 times

And it goes on..... and on...... and on.........

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:49 pm
I'm so bored of the constant getting better getting worse of OH's treatment, I swear they all have different copies of his notes. The worst part is it just all feels so much of the same, there is nothing to look forward to atm, no little thing to look forward to at the end of it all, except him coming home obviously but I mean a proper something to celebrate the end of it all. The only thing to look forward to atm is the fact that he will be coming home only to come back again and thats not something...

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3 Comments Viewed 270638 times

Stash List :)

by HighlandMum on Sun May 23, 2010 3:06 am
Sandy's Stash

All in ones (10)
Large Itti Bitti SIO Black
Large Itti Bitti SIO Chocolate
Large Itti Bitti SIO Purple
Large Itti Bitti SIO Royal Blue
Large Itti Bitti SIO Yellow
Large Itti Bitti SIO Red
Large Itti Bitti SIO Jade
Large Itti Bitti SIO Mint
Large Itti Bitti SIO Rockmelon
Large Itti Bitti AIO Like a tiger limited edition

Pockets (Granny friendly fluff) (11)
Large WNSS in yellow with monkey embroidery
Large WNSS with Lion embroidery

5 Bum Genius V3 in Grasshopper...

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0 Comments Viewed 16964 times

Lucys adventures in blw

by ericaj1 on Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:40 pm
Well 1 week in and blw seems to be going well. Last week she seemed to just play with the food rather than eating it but this week she has really got down to business. The big hit of the day was avocado and banana mashed and spread on rice cakes yuck. She must be a savoury girl (not like me) as the face she pulled when I gave her a bit of nectarine was a picture :hohoho: . We are avoiding wheat, eggs...

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0 Comments Viewed 17893 times

Clothmama's cloth pads! Cloth Nappy Tree CSP promotion & review

by clothmama on Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:33 am
I'm getting more and more passionate about cloth pads / cloth sanitary protection (CSP). The more I think about them the more it makes sense, the more I use them the more I love them :wine: (and the more I resent the times when I have to buy a pack of sweaty disposable ones!). I want to tell the world about cloth pads and get lots of other ladies loving them too!

I've had my collection now for over 3 years...

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6 Comments Viewed 516337 times