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Wool - A few of my projects...

by Twinmamma on Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:20 pm
I thought I'd add some of my most recent knits here so I can show them off a bit. I learnt to knit a few months ago and I have become painfully addicted! A pair of large longies takes about 2 weeks, so I'm not rapid by any length of the imagination. I'm now trying the Sleuthing Hoodie and have a hat in mind as well as some knits for a friend's new baby boy...
So, here they are:


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Hi from Cumbria

by dizzy on Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:37 pm

Hi there from Cumbria
I am enjoying using petit desous nappies with my now eleven month old daughter. She is much happier in them than disposable nappies. I buy all my nappy and baby swim products from littlepants.co.uk We trialled a whole range of nappies when Hannah was tiny before choosing these.
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Exciting day?

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:08 pm
Well, my mw is fobbing me off with a late booking of my hb and a "wait and see" attitude. Grrr. I know it's common practice to wait until that magic 37 weeks, so they can put pressure on for a hospital birth and no woman at that stage is going to be strong enough to fight her corner any more. I was misled into thinking it would be no problem, and was not as calm as I'd like when suddenly confronted by a u-turn. Dammit! I am so mad at myself, but also at her. ...

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38+3 The impatience has passed

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:07 pm
Last week was terrible, I could not sit still and was absolutely desperate to have bub, but it seems to have settled now. I am definitely ready to meet her, and ready to not be pregnant but I'm not going bonkers now :giggle: I am happy that she will come when she is ready. I am getting plenty of "still pregnant", "no sign yet then?" questions but I just smile and nod and remind people...

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Getting organised

by sophDC on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:26 am

We bought a nice, inexpensive chest of drawers from Ikea on Saturday and after OH made a fantastic roast on Sunday he assembled it. I am so pleased with him and it haha!
The top drawer is the designated fluff drawer, with the storage boxes I bought filled with the nappies, wraps, inserts. boosters. I have to say it looks pretty organised at the moment...I wonder how long that will last!
I do still need to wash a fair few of them, especially the pre-loved ones.
Clothes are in the middle drawer...

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