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Teething, boobs and ventures new

by loumo on Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:42 pm
Not much chance to blog this week. Kit is teething. Big time. Which means we alternate between nursing strike on one side, gnawing the nipple to bits but not sucking, then screaming in fury when milk dares to drench her, and suckling constantly, even drinking while asleep. Oh, yes, and screaming when the boob goes anywhere else. Each morning is an unknown...will the boob be her only comfort or the butt of her rage?! Will I be lopsided and wishing she'd feed, or drained and wishing she'd stop?...

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No going back now!!

by nic1 on Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:09 pm
Well it's all booked for tomorrow. Took Emmas pony club forms to the riding stables (RS) as they needed signing on their behalf too and booked a lesson while i was there!! It's tomorrow, half hour private lesson on a horse called Roxy, eeekkkk, scared but at the same time very much looking forward to it also :D :D ...

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Magical sun power

by Sophiebeth23 on Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:33 pm
I have say I didn't believe that the sun would get the stains out of my beautiful nappies. So I conducted a very scientific experiment when I peg them on the line ones with stains I used 3 pegs. When I asked dh to go fetch the washing in he asked why I had used 3 pegs on some nappies as they all looked spotless to him. Clearly the sun bleaching is magic.
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A night off?

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:25 pm
Pah, I wish, I haven't even had time to get on here the last few nights, all because of the weather, it's too damn hot! Austin can't sleep so I have been stuck trying to get him to sleep until almost 10 for the last few nights and I'm exhausted. I'm behind with house work because when he finally sleeps I need to do the same and when he's not asleep I'm either looking after him or up at the hospital. It's all such a chore atm. I am happy though as OH isn't feeling too bad so it's almost like he's...

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My first stash pics

by HighlandMum on Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:03 pm
Im taking pics of things as they arrive, so its not looking too interesting at the moment!

This is the starter kit i got from the real nappy scheme, minus a fuzzi and plus a few extra tots bots.

Wraps to go with them

My fuzzi buns

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