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Play dough.

by muttley on Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:42 am
I should have got photos. My first (and last) attempt at making play dough for the kids was a disaster!

2 cups flour
2 cups water
1 cup salt
mix. mix. mix. mix.

Easy right? wroooooooong! The resultant mess is now in my food bin awaiting the recycling men on Thursday! :cry: AND I added some vanilla essence for a yummy smell. OOps. I am sucking up the cost of buying the stuff...

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REal nappy weak prep.

by june2007 on Sun May 08, 2011 3:20 pm
Well council popup display will be in the library, I will be at a children's centre. Have Emailed another centre, Will be takeing my nappies to breast feeding group. And have sent a letter off to friends, clients promoting my website clearence sale. Will try to get into some other groups. What else are poepl doing for real nappy weak. By the way which is it week or weak?
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No peace yet :(

by winniewheresmypooh on Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:43 pm
So just when I think the worry is over, it is really not. I now have a battle with the Maternity Allowance office as to whether or not I am allowed to claim. Their literature states that you can claim if the baby was stillborn in the 25th week of pregnancy. The staff seem to be reading that as you need to be 25weeks pregnant but surely the 25th week means that I have completed 24weeks (so am 24 weeks pregnant) and have entered the 25th week (so am 24weeks + something) After a phone call they said...

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Maternity allowance update and new news.

by winniewheresmypooh on Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:54 am
I finally managed to claim my entitlement to maternity allowance. Took appealing numerous times and the idea of a tribunal before the MA office overturned their desicion. Here is a link to my 'proper' blog, http://whatdonnagoogled.blogspot.com/2011/12/maternity-allowance-and-stillbirth-at.html , if you want to check out the details. Well worth a look if you think you have been wrongly denied MA after a stillbirth at 24weeks, actually if you think you have been wrongly denied...

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by Laura2904 on Thu May 14, 2009 11:49 am
Hi there, I'm new here!
I am loving cloth nappies! They're so much fun but so addictive. I can see myself spending way too much if I'm not careful lol!
I'm trying loads of different brands and all seem to be pretty good except any "small size" doesn't fit Holly very well.
Holly is my youngest- born 27 jan 2009. I have another called Emma born 29 May 2004, and yes, you are right she is turning...

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