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Huge mix of emotions

by winniewheresmypooh on Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:53 pm
I don't know what to feel or what I am supposed to be doing. Today has just been a day of waiting to go into labour. It doesn't look like its going to happen so need to go back to hospital tomorrow for further induction.

Feeling are changing from one minute being accepting of the horrible news and dreading the following days and feeling sad for my loss, to being ok with it because it is only a foetus and I 'knew' that it was going to end badly and then to the other extreme. I feel like I have hope,...

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Luke's blw journey

by paw foot on Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:37 pm
Thought I would do a blog on Luke's blw journey.

SAT 21st April

Sat Luke in his bumbo and gave him half a banana to hold. He didn't make much of it at all. I help it up to his lips and he had a couple of licks before losing interest.

MON 23 April

Had a major panic about blw v puree and posted on the forum. Had lots of useful replies, key things to remember, stay calm, have patience and food just for fun at this stage.

TUE 24 April

Sat Luke on my knee while we had our tea at the dining...

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Early arrival

by june2007 on Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:44 pm
Like my previous baby. Julian Stephen was born 5 weaks early. In Scbu he used Dispicables, but now I am trying different ones. The trouble is my all in one nappies don't really go smaller enough. They all seem so bulky, so what do I use? Good old terry squares. I also have an old style size 1 Fuzzi bunze which for some reason is smaller then the new style. (Which is too big for him.). My mum thinks I have lots of cloth nappies, So think I have enough for now.
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Why did I do that?!

by muttley on Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:52 pm
We took some friends to legoland (we have annual passes in lieu of a holiday this year) and I put Frederick in :shock: despicables :shock: for the day.

I peeled them off the poor little man when I changed him! What a difference to put him in his cloth the next day. Although he'd...

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Latest purchase

by june2007 on Fri May 28, 2010 9:05 pm
Ok I have spent my voucher on 1 Blueberry Minki,1 Blueberry bamboo and 1 I think it was an easy peasy nappy. As well as a baby gown, wet nappy bag and some liners. £75.00 didn't get as much as I thought it would. But at least I have some new nappies to try and some funky ones for bump due in july. DD only has them at night thesedays.
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