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5 months down the line

by sezzlebum on Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:07 pm
so 5 months on and we're still in cloth :D
im experimenting with night nappies at the moment, and fleece wraps

so i bought a few bedbugs and a few wnnn old style. i usually use tots bots bamboozes with a mothercare smart nappy trifold insert with a pul wrap which are fantastic btw but i fancied something new lol

first i stuck to the bamboozles and trifold but used a fleece wrap, she was in it from 8...

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Nighht nappy

by june2007 on Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:37 pm
Ok the problem is my daughter wants something she can pull up and down so she doesn't want to where my blueberies. Now on the look out for an all in one that can you can pull upp and down.
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Back to tap

by FUZZIFAN on Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:23 pm
So I figured I may as well use my blog to document my new healthy lifestyle regime including going back to doing tap dancing.
I did tap as a child and then from 17-24, now I'm 36 and need some exercise.

First class
It's changed so much! Everything is low, modern and fast. It used to be so high up on the balls of your feet, 42nd street style. I enjoyed it but my balance was all over the place (I'm blaming my sinusitus or possibly being much heavier that when I last went) I did just about keep...

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My 12 month old was dry over 7 hours last night! WOO HOO!

by tribalbaby on Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:16 am
Ahh, had a milestone last night, I'm thrilled.

As Jett has a brace on / between his legs for his clubfoot correction, I can't do night EC as I did with Mavey, though I tried for 9-10 months!

He wears an eco disposable each night, I empty it in the garden!

Anyhoo, I'm running out - have three left, so on stretching out mode (I hate buying more nappies)

I use some cloth, but dislike the wetness, he wriggles so much.

Last night I put a hand towel in a snap cover at about 7 when he passed out.

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the wrong kind of weather

by loumo on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:22 pm
This blog entry has been delayed due to unseasonable rain. It seems to be April here in the middle of June. Which my brain can't quite handle and so I keep running three washloads per day (let's face it, cloth nappies and blw mean stcks of laundry!) then having to hang it all over the house and keep turning it and checking it...

Anyway, I got the fidget scarflet finished. Bought buttons for it, about which I am yet undecided. Also got a button cute enough for impress...for 10p! Started a second...

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