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9 weeks and "the bog move"

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:24 pm
I am delepoing the theory that the beginning of my "weeks" are ok in regards to symptoms and they get worse as the week progresses. Today has been quite good, possibly also helped by the fact I have snacked more or less constantly but we shall see.
We have attempted night 2 of Austin in his big boy bed as when I took him up he requested, after being put in the cot, to be moved to his new bed but thus far he is still avoiding sleep and opting for he stand at the stair gate and shout approach...

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by Cocoa Rose on Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:15 pm
I'm Tamsyn, live in Merseyside and have four children (12,11,8 and 8 months)
Used cloth on my third child part time and I am using them during the day on my latest addition.
She's growing rather fast and as she has been mostly in sized nappies I was looking for a place to sell the ones she's grown out of.

Tama x
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Intro and 34 week midwife appointment :)

by sophDC on Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:31 pm
Introducing me!
My name is Sophie, age 22 and currently 34+1 weeks pregnant with a baby girl :)

Ever since my GP told me baby was definately transverse lie at 31 weeks I have been worried about the baby's position. She told me ooh she has 4 weeks to change position or off for a c-section you go! Which made me wonder what I could do to help baby get in the optimum position...

Fast forward to today and the midwife...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:05 pm
The sickness has decided to strike again, just when I thought it was over! Seems to be mid morning or mid afternoon and I really thought that it was gone. Even been actually sick again a couple of days ago :roll: I thought it was supposed to be on the wane by now! Made my first nappy related purchases (just a couple of wraps) but think I will try to hold off now until we know what we are having,...

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Huge mix of emotions

by winniewheresmypooh on Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:53 pm
I don't know what to feel or what I am supposed to be doing. Today has just been a day of waiting to go into labour. It doesn't look like its going to happen so need to go back to hospital tomorrow for further induction.

Feeling are changing from one minute being accepting of the horrible news and dreading the following days and feeling sad for my loss, to being ok with it because it is only a foetus and I 'knew' that it was going to end badly and then to the other extreme. I feel like I have hope,...

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