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Nappy Joy!

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:07 pm
I am sooo pleased! :wine: My little lambs kit has just arrived and I have teeny cotton and bamboo nappies (I got aplix in the end). I am so excited! :mrgreen: Oh, I hope this is the start of something beautiful ...

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3 Comments Viewed 44561 times


by eviesmummy on Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:42 pm
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Baby Sophie's nappy stash!

by emica30 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:17 pm
Hello everyone! This thread seems like a great idea, so I have also written down everything I have! We started with cloth nappies only in October last year, when Sophie was already 5 months, after a Mum and baby group with the Devon representative for the Real Nappy Project - she showed me a Tots Bots Mushroom Magic and how easy it was, and I have been hooked since then!
Here is a picture of the culprit....I love my Tots Bots Easyfit, and they are a very reliable nappy:

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8 Comments Viewed 649790 times

the wrong kind of weather

by loumo on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:22 pm
This blog entry has been delayed due to unseasonable rain. It seems to be April here in the middle of June. Which my brain can't quite handle and so I keep running three washloads per day (let's face it, cloth nappies and blw mean stcks of laundry!) then having to hang it all over the house and keep turning it and checking it...

Anyway, I got the fidget scarflet finished. Bought buttons for it, about which I am yet undecided. Also got a button cute enough for impress...for 10p! Started a second...

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0 Comments Viewed 7764 times

6+2: nausea and spilling the beans

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:50 pm
So today and yesterday were rubbish for nausea, fingers crossed tomorrow won't be so bad because I'm not enjoying it. Last night was rough, I got woken at 2.30 and barely managed to sleep after that then spent 2 hours in the bathroom feeling like death.
Anyway, the midwife made contact today and I have my booking in appointment on 19th July, and we have told our direct family. I have been feeling so ill that I just thought we should tell them so that if I need help they will know why. I think I...

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