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Cloth Addiction Admission LOL

by muttley on Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:01 pm
I am addicted to cloth LOL. Poor DH has to work hard to fund it. Although, as I've used the same Fuzzi's right through from when I started with Sian to now I guess it hasn't worked out so bad. I've had some ... mistakes along though way though!

I just decided to try out fluffles on my rather skinny :babyroll: little man. With velcro tab closures. Baaad move! He was undoing...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:10 pm
I felt baby move, maybe I'm just going mad but I have been feeling a few things in the last few days but definitely feels like tiny jabbing today.
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It's like voodoo

by loumo on Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:26 pm
It being half term, I snuck in a wee cranial osteopathy session for the minis. Now, I don't know how crunchy you all are, but I'm pretty granola. But even I hadn't spent my hard earned cash on someone stroking my head to cure all ills. Until I saw the most amazing Lactation Consultant when Kits was so poorly, and she said it was a must. At that point, I would have danced naked round trees in the street if someone had suggested it would save my baby, so off we went.

We met him, we sat with a...

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new year food diary

by littlesez on Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:46 pm
10 superfoods
oats, honey, oily fish, avocado, tomatoes, honey, berries, nuts, parsley,
Avoided foods
Salt, added sugar, white bread/pasta, processed foods, dairy(milk products)

Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs
homemade date and walnut cake
fishcakes with tonnes of veggies
water and no alchohol red wine, cup of cocoa

beans on wholemeal toast
Pizza :twisted: ...

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6 weeks

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:26 pm
OK so today wasn't too bad, felt a bit rubbish this morning and could quite happily have gone back to sleep when Austin got up at 6.20 but I got up and got on with the day. Nausea coming and going, the heat hasn't helped and I have had to eat something about every 2 hours but I am trying to get meals in with snack between and it seems to have worked a bit better. I am praying that the worst is over (I know I have about another 6 weeks but a girl can hope) and I just have to hope that it's just the...

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