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my current stash

by clairelou88 on Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:45 pm
x6 Dunk N Fluff

x2 monkey snuggles

Tots bots flexitots

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1 Comment Viewed 16807 times

Baby Sophie's nappy stash!

by emica30 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:17 pm
Hello everyone! This thread seems like a great idea, so I have also written down everything I have! We started with cloth nappies only in October last year, when Sophie was already 5 months, after a Mum and baby group with the Devon representative for the Real Nappy Project - she showed me a Tots Bots Mushroom Magic and how easy it was, and I have been hooked since then!
Here is a picture of the culprit....I love my Tots Bots Easyfit, and they are a very reliable nappy:

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8 Comments Viewed 650716 times

The Pee-stashio

by jellibelli on Thu May 05, 2011 10:11 am
Update soon
0 Comments Viewed 7135 times

Nappy stash ;)

by emmalala on Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:58 pm
well here is my current nappy stash

WNs and ittis (my faves)

little hippie knits shorties


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Starting a nappy blog

by june2007 on Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:36 pm
Hi I am Angela and I have started a nappy blog. I am also a nappy advisor with my own nappy site. I have mostly used Terry squares with my DD with motherease rikki wraps. However i do have a few BG's for use with my child minder and some Bamboozles size1. After 2 1/2 years my Boots/Mothercase Terries arenot as soft as they were so am debating on weather to use them on Bump due in July. Not decided on what to use. I also have a Lolliop rainbow size 1 and the odd fuzzibunz.
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