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by Cadiva on Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:39 pm
See, I said I'd forget about this. I used to be incredibly efficient, it came with being a journalist, you had to know who was where and doing what and when you could manage to pin down which person it was you needed to speak to.
I wouldn't say I used to hang around on the streets but there were odd occasions when I'd just happen to bump into the councillor/policeman etc that I needed to ask something when they left the supermarket or the pub!

But, since having James, I have the memory of a sieve....

[ Continued ]
0 Comments Viewed 8552 times

Time is an issue

by Etak on Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:27 pm
I don't seem to have the time where does it all go!
0 Comments Viewed 3633 times

Bit worried but trying not to be!

by winniewheresmypooh on Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:57 pm
24+1 weeks today

I have yet another scan tomorrow but am a bit worried. I think I feel the baby move occasionally but I don't feel it every day and when I do it could easily be my imagination or wind :oops: I probably think I feel it every 3 or 4 days.

I know that the other 2 I have felt movement much earlier. Lucas was later than Jonathan. I do feel like I should be able to feel proper kicks...

[ Continued ]
0 Comments Viewed 8319 times

A lead up to now

by beck on Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:57 pm
A quick run up to right now.

Bren was diagnosed with Kidney failure just before his 21st birthday - 2000

We met the next year, we were only together for 3 months when he got sick and was admitted to hospital. It was through a routine scan that they found a Renal cell carcinoma (cancer of the kidney) his right kidney was removed October 2001 and thankfully he was contained and hadn't spread.

Because of his Renal failure and one kidney having been removed his body couldn't cope his condition advanced...

[ Continued ]
7 Comments Viewed 140186 times

Shopping list!

by fivefourfour on Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:26 pm

25 fitted nappies
10 PUL wraps (have 6?)
4 fleece wraps (have two)

Jammie Jumpers
T-shirts and lap trousers
Sleep sacks
Wool dungerees, cardigans and jumpers


20 one size fitteds (have 4)
6 night nappies
10 PUL wraps
4 fleece wraps
flongies (?)
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