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first nappy!

by usinukveg on Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:22 pm
Two nights ago, while waiting up for our guest to arrive at the house (house being a rather grand word for our accomodation...but it's more than spacious enough for us!) I finally got a chance to sew the first cloth nappy. The elastic sewing is really terrible, but by the time I finally got to the elastic, it was 2:30 am...so I wasn't expecting a work of nappy art. Last night after we got home from an evening out with our guest, I did a quick insert with scraps and finished off the project.

At any...

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Lucys adventures in blw

by ericaj1 on Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:33 pm
Lucy is absolutely loving her food now. As soon as she gets put in her highchair she gets all excited. Her favourite finger food is banana at the moment. But avocado and banana mashed together with a bit of ebm is her favourite mushy food. She just can't get enough of it. I can't believe how much easier blw is compared to the standard puree route. I used to spend ages cooking batches of different foods to puree and freeze for Jack whereas Lucy just gets whatever is ripe in the fruit bowl. I do poach...

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My stash :)

by littlesez on Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:18 pm
Well it is a very modest stash but I am very proud of how it has grown and feeling very happy with it at the moment. :D
One BBSS medium

I have 2 pink BG which have been very trusty even if not that exciting

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Angelas nappies Xmas offer

by june2007 on Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:05 am
From 11th of December to the 22nd of December I am doing a giveaway on my website www.angelasnappies.com Be the first to place an order each day and win a price, Prizes include a nappy, wet nappy bag, baby towel, nappy liners. Check out the website for more details. (under 12 days of christmas giveaway.)
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Last weeks lesson!

by nic1 on Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:53 pm
Lesson last Sunday went well and we all enjoyed it. We did some trot work with no stirrups which makes me feel abit wobbly in the saddle still. :oops:

Still really enjoying our lessons. Emmas riding is coming along. Her key problem is keeping her heels down. As far as i know my position isn't too bad, riding instructor (RI) often doesn't comment on it and the RI showed me as the example of how...

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