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Ooo, first wash

by frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:55 pm
So, I decided to wash my terries that arrived this morning. After reading the info that came with my little lambs, and searching on here, I put the terries on without detergent at 30 with two lines, since it seems that my washing machine only does the basic programmes, and after reading the manual, I am a little concerned that I won't be able to do the all-important cold prewash. Not sure what to do, but will probably just have to do a 30 -- without detergent. ...

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A Catch Up

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:31 pm
So I thought it was about time I got back on this and gave a bit of an update. We got back off holiday last Friday and life has been almost back to normal. We had a lovely time in Northumberland, the weather was nice and we spent pretty much every day on the beach. Austin loved playing on the beach and paddling in the sea and having all the fresh air and sand and other children around him to play with (which just makes me more sad that we will have to wait so long for baby number 2). OH was allowed...

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The Birth Story of Imogen Rose

by jules070603 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:34 pm
Imogen Rose – Born 22nd April 2009 at 1.48am, weighing 7lb 10.5oz.

For a couple of weeks before my due date of 21st April I had been having increasingly strong braxton hicks and lots of period type pains. As Zach was born at 38 weeks I kept thinking any day now!!!

Zachs birthday on the 19th April came and went and I started thinking about going overdue and what my options would be. On Monday the 20th April I was at the midwife and was offered a sweep which I accepted as I didn’t see why not. The...

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Puffed out

by sim on Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:50 pm
Being nearly halfway through my weightloss journey, I thought it was time to up the exercise. In other words, to do some. :oops: I also wanted to be able to record some of my journey to a 'new' me; mentally and physically.

So, this evening I did the first session of the C25K programme with a set of podcasts from Robert Ullrey. Now I'm more than a bit knackered.

I think the point I nearly gave...

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by megansmummy on Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:42 am
Here is Kierens Stash :mrgreen: :wine:

Large Dunk n Fluff's~


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