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things to sort out for the baby

by angiepangie2809 on Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:45 pm
Ok....so I have a lot of stuff I need to sort out /get/do before this baby arrives so I thought I would start a list here. 1) move house. 2) decorate the babys room. 3) cut/blackout line and make the curtains for his bedroom. 4) buy more yarn, and get more yarn dyed up to match the wahm tshirts I've already bought or have coming. 5) Get newborn soakers knitted by someone. ...

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6+2: nausea and spilling the beans

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:50 pm
So today and yesterday were rubbish for nausea, fingers crossed tomorrow won't be so bad because I'm not enjoying it. Last night was rough, I got woken at 2.30 and barely managed to sleep after that then spent 2 hours in the bathroom feeling like death.
Anyway, the midwife made contact today and I have my booking in appointment on 19th July, and we have told our direct family. I have been feeling so ill that I just thought we should tell them so that if I need help they will know why. I think I...

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Opps couldn't resist!

by Sophiebeth23 on Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:58 am
I had to get these prints as Mio Solo works so well for us!
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by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:46 pm
I went to bed last night with my determined head on. I was sure I could get up today and just ignore the morning sickness, apparently not.
Cue 1am and a police helicopter passing so low overhead it could have taken off the chimney and waking Austin up, well 2.20 and he's still awake and I could kill for some sleep. OH brings him down stairs and I get some more broken sleep until 4 when all goes quiet because A has fallen asleep on the sofa and I think I might get ome proper sleep. Then the stomach...

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greenabubs my little shop

by littlesez on Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:05 am
I am a part time dance teacher, I used to do it full time but don't like to spend too much time away from Izzy. I didn't have enough capital to venture out into being a full time wahm either. So I decided to do my part time teaching for a steady income and then set up very slowly a wahm cart. I spend my time in the evenings whilst Izzy is asleep to work on my shop.

Greenabubs is basically a collection of my favourite green baby products that have been used by us. I can then give honest and reliable...

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