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The "Baby led weaning" Diet ;) ;) ;)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:19 am
No mummy I absolutely do not like spoons, or food just milk thankyou...

But please will you pass me one of those....

Any bit of paper that's on the floor looking interesting
Your trousers
Isabelle's trousers
Daddy's shoes
Mummy's slippers
That ball looks interesting
Ooooh I can reach the hoover again
Mmmmm tasty jumperoo
Oooooh more shoes!
I wonder what that bumbo tastes like
That tissue box was tasty
Anything Isabelle is playing with ...

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2 Comments Viewed 41600 times

My stash for Bump :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:16 pm
Thought I'd keep my list for Bump on here...

Possibly yet to buy but might not...
1 x Northern lights with matching small and NB wrap
A few more wraps I think too...

Sized Fitteds: (32)
2 x Small Lucy's Hope Chest (LHC) organic bamboo velour (OBV)
1 x Small HL(Holden's Landings) Dreamscape (night nappy but I'm sure it'll be used daytimes too)
1 x Small Jimmy Riddles elephants
11 x Size 1 tots (organic and original) dyed various colours
1 x Little Lambs size 1 red&yellow dip dyed
6 x XS Sandies...

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2 Comments Viewed 90289 times

My Wool

by weefywoo on Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:07 am
Just some pics of items I've knitted ... mainly so I can keep them in one place :D


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2 Comments Viewed 52481 times

I've had my baby!

by sophDC on Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:54 pm
Lily Annabelle Isla arrivved 4 weeks early bang on 36 weeks, obviously thought she'd steal the llimelight as me and oh had just got engaged :)
I am typing one hand atm, got L in the other arm and I suspect a nappy change is appropriate haha!
So, will update soon and put birth story in the right bit of the forum :wave: ...

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0 Comments Viewed 32001 times

And it goes on..... and on...... and on.........

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:49 pm
I'm so bored of the constant getting better getting worse of OH's treatment, I swear they all have different copies of his notes. The worst part is it just all feels so much of the same, there is nothing to look forward to atm, no little thing to look forward to at the end of it all, except him coming home obviously but I mean a proper something to celebrate the end of it all. The only thing to look forward to atm is the fact that he will be coming home only to come back again and thats not something...

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3 Comments Viewed 269272 times