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by Twinmamma on Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:18 am
It's Saturday morning and organised chaos is ensuing downstairs while I type away happily upstairs. Saturday morning in our house is Simon's morning with the kids and I am supposed to get a lie in :hohoho:
As I said before, organised chaos, Max and Tom our four and a half month old twins are bellowing and Anna our nearly three year old is racing around declaring that she is the winner of a trophy, and...

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3 Comments Viewed 19334 times


by eviesmummy on Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:57 am
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My stash :)

by littlesez on Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:18 pm
Well it is a very modest stash but I am very proud of how it has grown and feeling very happy with it at the moment. :D
One BBSS medium

I have 2 pink BG which have been very trusty even if not that exciting

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My stash so far for Kieren!!

by megansmummy on Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:06 pm
Well im having alot of fun building a boy stash, with megan we loved pockets during the day and then fitteds and wool for night...well this time around we are loving fitteds and wool ALLLL the time!! :wine:

So here is our stash so far~

Night Nappies~
2 New style WNNN (i lagoon minkee gelato outter and one plain bamboo)
2 more minkee WNNN on order
1 large soy UDNN

21 Goodmama's
2 Puddlekins
4 Dunk...

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0 Comments Viewed 40032 times

The Birth Story of Imogen Rose

by jules070603 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:34 pm
Imogen Rose – Born 22nd April 2009 at 1.48am, weighing 7lb 10.5oz.

For a couple of weeks before my due date of 21st April I had been having increasingly strong braxton hicks and lots of period type pains. As Zach was born at 38 weeks I kept thinking any day now!!!

Zachs birthday on the 19th April came and went and I started thinking about going overdue and what my options would be. On Monday the 20th April I was at the midwife and was offered a sweep which I accepted as I didn’t see why not. The...

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