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moving house and making nappies

by usinukveg on Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:14 pm
So we're moving house...slowly.

Luckily Mr Frenchveg and I live little, so we're able to transport everything in suitcases between the old rental and the new. Thank goodness for wheely cases! The worst trip for Mr Frenchveg was my crockpot and a load of books all in one suitcase (he packed it!!) but kudos to him for all of the heavy lifting he's done.

A question for the UKers, where do you buy toilet brushes???? Why can't I locate a shop that sells this very necessary household cleaning implement???...

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2 Comments Viewed 7449 times

About time I started a Blog!

by Little Pants on Fri May 28, 2010 2:27 pm
I think it's high time I put aside some time to start a blog! I'm not going right back to the beginning, so will start with my newest fanaticism of knitting wool nappy covers! I thought I didn't have an ounce of creativity in me until I started, by working out and writing a shorties pattern. This worked so well, that I started adapting and imroving it, and now have done lots of longies, shorties, skirties, soakers, pantaloons, bloomers, and all sorts.

Currently just finishing off a group of 4 soakers...

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The Ittis are going!

by Twinmamma on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:21 am
The decision is made. My SIO Ittis are going after one leg leak too many. I have tried all sorts but they just do not fit Max well and I need more nappies that do :(

I'd love to try some Wee Notions but I fear they could get expensive for two (heart decision) so am getting more Real Easies (head decision) which are just brilliant on both of my boys. I have bought a preloved Itti AIO to try as they are just so lovely...

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Exciting day

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:01 am
This morning dh had a reply from the ecological consultancy who coincidentally started offering the same species diagnostics service as dh and I have just started up as a mini business trial. She was perfectly pleasant in her email and, as suspected, they are going to subcontract rather than do it themselves (being ecologists not geneticists). As a bonus, though, she asked whether I'd be interested in more freelance surveying, as they are always on the look-out for more freelance...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:05 pm
The sickness has decided to strike again, just when I thought it was over! Seems to be mid morning or mid afternoon and I really thought that it was gone. Even been actually sick again a couple of days ago :roll: I thought it was supposed to be on the wane by now! Made my first nappy related purchases (just a couple of wraps) but think I will try to hold off now until we know what we are having,...

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