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by eviesmummy on Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:38 pm
0 Comments Viewed 49633 times

The first day

by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:10 pm
So OH has had his line for his chemo put in today, he has had to have a dual line so they can give him blood and platelets while he is having his chemo. It all feels a bit dreamy at the moment, I've had moments where I have had to stop and question if this is really all happening but I'm guessing it must be as OH hasn't come home yet. We have been told his immune system is no longer working so he may not be allowed home at the weekend but so far the plan is he will come home on Saturday (after blood...

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1 Comment Viewed 195574 times

Another delivery :)

by frankie_n_baby on Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:55 pm
Today I left the house with my dh to take his car in to get new tyres, which I suspected would mean that I missed the second part of my babykind delivery. Imagine my joy when I read the little package slip to see that the lovely post lady had left my package at the back door! :wine: I didn't have to wait until Monday, after all, and have been cooing over my bamboozles, my blueberry pocket,...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:31 pm
I have been so lazy with this blog, I wish that I had written more! This pregnancy has been much the same as Austin's though and uneventful, which is far from a complaint but it does make for an uninteresting journal :giggle: .
So we are on the home stretch, the final trimester, less than 3 months left eek :eek: ...

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by Amesmum on Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:55 am
I'm so excited about the ZinniaFlower nappies I've added to my site, I just had to share a pic!

Nadine :D
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