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Rival closeing down.

by june2007 on Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:51 pm
A friend who also sells nappies is stopping selling them, which in someways is good as she is a rival. I have oppted to try and sell her stash. I would buy it all from her but I don't shift enought stuff to do that. I know she had her foot in the door of the local hospital so now she has gone I shall try getting my foot in the door. She is doing more holistic therepy, and if you live in hinckley I can say she does a lovely massage. The good news is that there is one less nappy seller in Hinckley....

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Hiccups and BH

by sophDC on Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:55 pm

I had a so-so evening yesterday.
Good points:
Cooking my OH a chilli con carne (not my cup of tea, but may have converted myself, haha!) and him adoring it :)
Pampering bath
Hypnobirthing relaxtion and massage
Not so good points:
Really sudden shooting pains down there, maybe to do with the engagement of the baby's head? At my 34 week mw appt baby was 3/5 engaged. This was followed by some rather intense...

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pockets to loan

by data72 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:28 pm
help please!!
we are going on holiday and we decided to try pockets even though we normally use 2 part nappies .
ordered from China long long ago and sadly have not arrived.
leaving on Sunday.
Is there any one out there who could lend a few by popping them in the post tomorrow?
I will happily pay postage both ways....
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First timers stash

by retromum1 on Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:42 am
I have been using and buying stash for 4 weeks and so far I have

Wee notions
WNOS blue cuddlesoft dragon
WNOS blue minki dragonfly
WNOS White spotty minki made in England

WNOS blue and yellow minki with cowboy scene
WNSS large Robert robot

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2 Comments Viewed 4093 times

My first stash pics

by HighlandMum on Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:03 pm
Im taking pics of things as they arrive, so its not looking too interesting at the moment!

This is the starter kit i got from the real nappy scheme, minus a fuzzi and plus a few extra tots bots.

Wraps to go with them

My fuzzi buns

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