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Current Stash List...

by Velvetsteph on Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:04 am
Current stash list - as accurate as I can remember ;)

Pockets: 14
2 Medium Ecobubs
3 Large-SR Weenotions
1 Large Pocketbots
1 Large Lil Stinkee
1 Medium Preston Pants
2 Large standard Minkys
1 Large Slinky Minky
1 Medium Blueberry SS

Onesize pockets: 6
2 Weenotions OS
2 Bumgenius
2 Blueberry OS

AI2s: 10
3 Medium Itti d lish

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0 Comments Viewed 32477 times

Small babies.

by june2007 on Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:03 pm
Well after a weak the lady phoned for me to collect the lending kit. b( most people have it for 2-4). She decided not go with the nappies saying the all leaked. MMmm oubt they all leaked. I wonder how much she tried them. WELL, at least she got to try them before spending money on a kit and then decideing. I did say she may find them too big, but she didn't mention his size,
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No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

by littlesez on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:28 am
Before the plan settling took from 7pm til 10pm or until i gave in and got inbed with isobella. She would not sleep in her cot. Nighttime wakings were upto every hour so started the no cry sleep solution on Monday coupled with changing her cot to a toddler bed.


Nap log
Not a usual day due to long car journey
9.30 fell asleep, by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for the journey for 3 hours
3pm fell asleep travelling back by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for 1 hour


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Feeling lazy

by frankie_n_baby on Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:24 am
I'm waiting for dh to come back after a night away visiting a work colleague/friend. I could have gone, too but didn't fancy the work-related bit (going round the lab and talking about some new things they're going to collaborate on), and didn't fancy the late night followed by being woken early by their kids. Plus, last time we left the cat overnight he pooed on the kitchen floor, despite having a clean litter tray (protest poo) ...

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My current wish list

by pinksalmon2001 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:41 pm
Must sell more to fund more fluff :oops: :oops:

Things I NEED:

2 x large WNNN - one brown dotty minkee with gingerbread men embroidery & one brown ooga booga
2 x dunk and fluffs - one grey and black giraffes & 1 Eliott Elephant
5 x blueberry large ss - Black,...

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