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by Twinmamma on Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:18 am
It's Saturday morning and organised chaos is ensuing downstairs while I type away happily upstairs. Saturday morning in our house is Simon's morning with the kids and I am supposed to get a lie in :hohoho:
As I said before, organised chaos, Max and Tom our four and a half month old twins are bellowing and Anna our nearly three year old is racing around declaring that she is the winner of a trophy, and...

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3 Comments Viewed 21076 times

Summer's stash!

by flutterby on Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:20 pm
AI2s 9

Red Itti
Pale pink itti
Fuschia Itti
Peppermint Itti
Jade Itti
Strawberry Fields Itti
Purple Iish Fitzall with dragonfly applique
Hot pink WN with leaves embroidery
FF AI2 prototype

Night nappies 15

tequila sunrise bedbug
dreamy bedbug
pumpkinhead bedbug
bamboo outer WNNN
aqua flower circles WNNL
caterpillar dots WNNL
orange bamboo BBH
pink bamboo BBH
pink BG V2
Yellow BG V2 with pink snaps
Iish nite
Ooga Booga WNNN
black slinki minki with tigger embroidery
bamboo outer WNNN
soy UDNN...

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0 Comments Viewed 33228 times

Getting organised

by sophDC on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:26 am

We bought a nice, inexpensive chest of drawers from Ikea on Saturday and after OH made a fantastic roast on Sunday he assembled it. I am so pleased with him and it haha!
The top drawer is the designated fluff drawer, with the storage boxes I bought filled with the nappies, wraps, inserts. boosters. I have to say it looks pretty organised at the moment...I wonder how long that will last!
I do still need to wash a fair few of them, especially the pre-loved ones.
Clothes are in the middle drawer...

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0 Comments Viewed 30197 times

This isn't really a pregnancy blog

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:55 pm
Except maybe that my emotions are worse than they would be if I wasn't :pregnant: .
I am feeling a little hurt today, maybe it is needless but either way I think I need to get it out or it will eat at me. I would like to think that for the most part I am not very demanding, for example when asked what I want for Christmas I have told everyone I have no idea, therefore I am not particularly...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:37 pm
Thought I best blog as I keep leaving huge gaps and finally got my booking appointment tomorrow :mrgreen:
Today I am very tired and have been very sick after a mango, real PITA as a couple of days ago they were one of my morning sickness cures, pregnancy is a funny old game. I cannot wait for the sickness to pass now though as it really is driving me nutty. One day I'm fine the next I feel...

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