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Baby dragon BG tank top set.

by clairelana on Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:39 pm
I'm in the process of doing a green BG with a baby dragon on it and a green woolen tank top with a white t-shirt under it.
I'm doing the BG and tank top with the same matching dragon.

I'm also thinking of doing the same dragon on a green blanket.

Any sugestions for colours?
I'm thinking blue, yellow and red.

I will post Pics asap.

0 Comments Viewed 16176 times

my stash list

by Laura2904 on Thu May 14, 2009 12:12 pm
So I'm a mainly a pocket user
Here is my stash list...
1x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- hot pink
2x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- Gingham Pink
1x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- Trains print [in the post]
1x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- Pale Blue [in the post]
1x Fuzzi Bunz Daisy Print- Lavendar
1x Bumgenius V3- Zennia
1x Bumgenius V3- Butternut
1x Bumgenius V3- Blossom
1x Green Kids Anytimes- Sage
1x Green Kids Minkeetime- Lime
1x Green Kids Minkeetime- Retro Pink and brown cirlces...

[ Continued ]
0 Comments Viewed 4108 times

my very own blob!

by usinukveg on Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:33 pm
exciting! i have a blob. this website is getting better and better.

speaking of blobs. my stomach is looking more and more blobish by the day. mr. frenchveg is worried that it isn't growing properly as I'm more than halfway through and just now starting to show. however, scan results show an abnormally large head (takes after his/her mum this little person) and a teeny tummy. i figure that the two balance one another out...right? i must admit that i have been worried that i would give birth to a...

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3 Comments Viewed 11433 times

My stash for Bump :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:16 pm
Thought I'd keep my list for Bump on here...

Possibly yet to buy but might not...
1 x Northern lights with matching small and NB wrap
A few more wraps I think too...

Sized Fitteds: (32)
2 x Small Lucy's Hope Chest (LHC) organic bamboo velour (OBV)
1 x Small HL(Holden's Landings) Dreamscape (night nappy but I'm sure it'll be used daytimes too)
1 x Small Jimmy Riddles elephants
11 x Size 1 tots (organic and original) dyed various colours
1 x Little Lambs size 1 red&yellow dip dyed
6 x XS Sandies...

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2 Comments Viewed 90430 times

moving house and making nappies

by usinukveg on Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:14 pm
So we're moving house...slowly.

Luckily Mr Frenchveg and I live little, so we're able to transport everything in suitcases between the old rental and the new. Thank goodness for wheely cases! The worst trip for Mr Frenchveg was my crockpot and a load of books all in one suitcase (he packed it!!) but kudos to him for all of the heavy lifting he's done.

A question for the UKers, where do you buy toilet brushes???? Why can't I locate a shop that sells this very necessary household cleaning implement???...

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2 Comments Viewed 7447 times