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My sewing projects

by Bernadette on Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:26 am
Well hubby bought me a sewing machine and overlocker so I thought I would start making my own nappies for the little one. I had thought about doing it for a long time, but have recently just got into it and have made 4 in the last week when hubby was doing his private pilot's licence in France.

This is my first attempt, a fitted one size with Red Robots knit and bamboo fleece, I needed a bit more practice with the snap placement but overall was very happy!

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This was the week that sucked!

by loumo on Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:32 am
Ok, so this week has officially sucked. There would be more words in that sentence but it would break the CNT code of conduct! :hohoho:

But to make it seem less challenging, I shall, for you good people, magically transform it into a vaguely amusing rant which will, if nothing else, allow you to appreciate a trip into your kitchen to make a drink, or to your bedrooms to grab a nappy...

A little scene...

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The first day

by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:10 pm
So OH has had his line for his chemo put in today, he has had to have a dual line so they can give him blood and platelets while he is having his chemo. It all feels a bit dreamy at the moment, I've had moments where I have had to stop and question if this is really all happening but I'm guessing it must be as OH hasn't come home yet. We have been told his immune system is no longer working so he may not be allowed home at the weekend but so far the plan is he will come home on Saturday (after blood...

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1 Comment Viewed 196132 times

OH MY GOD!!! I'm so happy I could cry!!!!

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:45 am
I have just had great news!!! OH just called to tell me his Dr has just been in, he is responding really well to treatment, there is a 70% reduction in leukemia cells already and they are saying he has a 90% chance of going into remission by the end of this first round of chemo!!! I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself. I know that he may not go into remission on this round but I'm clinging to the info I have just got with both hands and there is nothing that can get me today!!! He will...

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Bababoo nappies

by june2007 on Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:46 am
I was contacted by the company bababoo to see if I would sell there nappies. haveing looked on there site I agreed. I got sent a sample nappy and training pants. First imressions.. cheap. Yes they are a cheap price but the quality felt cheap. The nappy was a cow print minki, but the fabric was not a as soft as other minkis. It is a pocket nappy that comes with two boosters. These were rather like bumgenious ones. According to the guide the nappy will last around 4 hours or with 2 boosters 6. I tried...

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