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In the beginning....

by sezzlebum on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 am
I'm a cloth convert and now im a cloth addict :giggle:
Aimee was born on August 11th, 2 weeks late, and to begin with we used disposables, i had been curious about cloth nappies but always thought they were to fiddley, probably more messy etc etc

So for the first 6 and a half weeks we used huggies, during that time i researched reusable nappy schemes and found one in manchester, the council offered...

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1 Comment Viewed 8725 times

my stash list, ish.....

by *tinkerbellarella* on Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:17 pm
another thing on my to do list, my stash list!


7 hollow oak, days, nights
4 flutterby fluff (batman, vhc, small purple and black, lilac and blues)
4 wnnn (2 minki 2 cotton)
2 wnnl (1 ff wnnl)
3 lucy's hope chest
6 puddlekins
6 holden's landing bedbugs
3 holden's landing day fitted
7 goodmama's
3 tush nocturne
12 diapeydoodiapers
1 lovewee nappy

58 fitted nappies, omg :shock:

a gazillion...

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0 Comments Viewed 30618 times

Last weeks lesson!

by nic1 on Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:53 pm
Lesson last Sunday went well and we all enjoyed it. We did some trot work with no stirrups which makes me feel abit wobbly in the saddle still. :oops:

Still really enjoying our lessons. Emmas riding is coming along. Her key problem is keeping her heels down. As far as i know my position isn't too bad, riding instructor (RI) often doesn't comment on it and the RI showed me as the example of how...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:10 pm
I felt baby move, maybe I'm just going mad but I have been feeling a few things in the last few days but definitely feels like tiny jabbing today.
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OH MY GOD!!! I'm so happy I could cry!!!!

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:45 am
I have just had great news!!! OH just called to tell me his Dr has just been in, he is responding really well to treatment, there is a 70% reduction in leukemia cells already and they are saying he has a 90% chance of going into remission by the end of this first round of chemo!!! I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself. I know that he may not go into remission on this round but I'm clinging to the info I have just got with both hands and there is nothing that can get me today!!! He will...

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