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19 weeks

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:52 pm
I didn't realize how long it had been since I had bogged so thought I best get on. Getting what I would call proper baby movements for the last few days, though they do make me wonder if what I felt before were actually baby at all :giggle: . The changes over the last few weeks have been strange, not so much physical but things I have noticed about myself or thing I have noticed about us and just things...

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0 Comments Viewed 321270 times

A whole, new, fluffy world.

by fivefourfour on Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:05 pm
So, a few weeks on and we have been testing out the new stash. :babyroll:

And I can report - I LOVE MY NEW FLUFF! :yahoo: Of course, I still love my old faithful TBs, but the ease of being able to grab a couple of AI1s as I run out the door has been a revelation. Especially as...

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Going Green With Your Baby? 7 Ways to Combine Cloth & EC...

by tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:24 am
Nappies become a parenting tool while practicing EC - useful, but not essential all the time.

You'll discover that you can reduce your reliance on nappies and have a more relaxed approach to toilet training all together, as your confidence with managing your baby's hygiene needs in alternative ways will increase. You'll be able to confidently hold your baby nappy free in your arms or in a baby sling for parts of the day at home, even just in pants when in a sling when out...

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REal nappy weak prep.

by june2007 on Sun May 08, 2011 3:20 pm
Well council popup display will be in the library, I will be at a children's centre. Have Emailed another centre, Will be takeing my nappies to breast feeding group. And have sent a letter off to friends, clients promoting my website clearence sale. Will try to get into some other groups. What else are poepl doing for real nappy weak. By the way which is it week or weak?
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How my stash has changed!!!!

by charlibunny on Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:48 pm
Well my stash has really changed in a few months!!!!!

5 Holdens landing
2 Flutterby fluff
6 Lucy's hope chest
3 Sweetiebums
1 Jimmy Riddles
2 Goodmama's
1 Muttaquin
1 unknown OBV
1 Luxe baby

2 Funky nappies
4 Fuzzi Bunz
2 GK
2 Very baby

On the way i have 4 muttqin's, one puddlkins and maybe another mutt and goodmamma :hohoho:
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