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my current stash

by clairelou88 on Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:45 pm
x6 Dunk N Fluff

x2 monkey snuggles

Tots bots flexitots

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by frankie_n_baby on Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:40 am
I am so relieved to be home and cosy. I had a bad night last night and had to be up at 6:45am to get ready for work in Staffordshire. As it turned out there was a mix-up and the job was cancelled, so I was able to peel off the layers and layers of clothes I'd donned in preparation for a long cold morning/afternoon outside looking for signs of bats, birds etc. I got a lift back from my boss/colleague as dh had dropped me off before going to work. I am sooo sleepy, and will...

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by eviesmummy on Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:38 pm
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The Birth Story of Imogen Rose

by jules070603 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:34 pm
Imogen Rose – Born 22nd April 2009 at 1.48am, weighing 7lb 10.5oz.

For a couple of weeks before my due date of 21st April I had been having increasingly strong braxton hicks and lots of period type pains. As Zach was born at 38 weeks I kept thinking any day now!!!

Zachs birthday on the 19th April came and went and I started thinking about going overdue and what my options would be. On Monday the 20th April I was at the midwife and was offered a sweep which I accepted as I didn’t see why not. The...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:01 pm
So I took my first "bump" picture today, more for comparing a time goes on than because I have an actual bump but it's something I wish I had done more of with Austin. It does interestingly show that my spine has given up and has a nice old curve to it already so I might need to make myself aware of that o I don't fall over all the time :giggle: .
Still feeling rough, in fact, after a few days...

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