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my newborn stash

by emsy on Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:19 pm
so far i have got
2x mushroom teenyfit
1x starburst teenyfit
5x rainbow teenyfits blue red orange 2 brown

6x xs oww
2x xs me sandies
6x nb terries
12 small prefolds
10 size 1 bamboo little lambs

x2 small pixie knits longies
x2 xs me airflow wrap
x4 bambino mio nb wraps

newborn wool soakers
size 0 Tots bots wrap
small WN wrap
xs bg aio
0 Comments Viewed 37881 times

A lead up to now

by beck on Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:57 pm
A quick run up to right now.

Bren was diagnosed with Kidney failure just before his 21st birthday - 2000

We met the next year, we were only together for 3 months when he got sick and was admitted to hospital. It was through a routine scan that they found a Renal cell carcinoma (cancer of the kidney) his right kidney was removed October 2001 and thankfully he was contained and hadn't spread.

Because of his Renal failure and one kidney having been removed his body couldn't cope his condition advanced...

[ Continued ]
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Ending the journey.

by june2007 on Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:59 am
Well DS isnow dry during the day and just uses cloth during the night. He is four. I am using my BTP on him and a few 2 parters. I am ending my cloth business too. But it is still going at5 the mo.
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A little blitz goes a long way

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:19 pm
I had a good old tidy today, started at 9 and just about finished at 3. I have re-arranged my furniture, hoovered (several times), polished, washed, scrubbed the carpet in several places, de-cluttered and put away and had a general tidy, oh and mopped the floors. I feel much happier and even plucked up the courage to phone OH. All was fine on the phone so I'm going to go see him again. I will take the advice I was given and let all the nasty comments (if there are any) go over my head. Tidy house,...

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6 Comments Viewed 220129 times

A truly endless list...

by Slebro on Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:52 pm
Blog post no. 1
I have a to-do list I keep on my phone. Every evening, when my boy finally decides to sleep, I sit down and totally avoid completing anything on my to-do list. These things do not get done during the day as I'm looking after the boy ... if he slept, then maybe I could work through something then but no. Sleep seems to be for the weak. So I think to myself that I'll get some work done in the evening and the evening comes and nothing is done, apart from maybe...

[ Continued ]
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