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my very own blob!

by usinukveg on Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:33 pm
exciting! i have a blob. this website is getting better and better.

speaking of blobs. my stomach is looking more and more blobish by the day. mr. frenchveg is worried that it isn't growing properly as I'm more than halfway through and just now starting to show. however, scan results show an abnormally large head (takes after his/her mum this little person) and a teeny tummy. i figure that the two balance one another out...right? i must admit that i have been worried that i would give birth to a...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:05 pm
The sickness has decided to strike again, just when I thought it was over! Seems to be mid morning or mid afternoon and I really thought that it was gone. Even been actually sick again a couple of days ago :roll: I thought it was supposed to be on the wane by now! Made my first nappy related purchases (just a couple of wraps) but think I will try to hold off now until we know what we are having,...

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Isabelle's night nappy stash

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:20 pm
Isabelle's night nappies:

Jimmy Riddles Organic Bamboo Velour (OBV)
Holdens Landings dreamscape OBV
Puddlepants Weedies

Pockets (all stuffed with hemp and bamboo):
Standard Minki - Large
Lil' Stinkee - Large
Lil' Stinkee - Onesize
Weenotions - Onesize poppers (have an aplix one but that doesn't stay on)
Slinki Minki - Large (this is a backup nappy as it's a little on the small side now...)

And a few pairs of woolies to go over the top of the fitteds ...

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BLW - The first week

by indigosky2k on Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:55 pm
Tuesday 22 Sept 2009
After not seeming at all interested in eating yesterday today Kacie was very interested. I made cheesy beans and potato wedges for me and put 2 wedges on Kacie's plate. She seemed to know these for her and got excited at the plate when I put it on the table. She watched me while I ate mine, wating for hers to cool. Then she grabbed one straight out of my hand and nommed on it :widesmile: ...

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by loumo on Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:43 pm
'Impress' is off the needles! Just hunting for the perfect button, I had two in mind and can find neither...

But there seems to be a half made fidget on my needles already, and it needs buttons too.

*Scurries off to look for a 'buttons' section on classifieds*

Photos to follow...
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