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Wool Nappy Covers - the basics

by Little Pants on Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:52 pm
So many people have asked me how wool can possibly make an efficient nappy cover, that I thought it was time to start a blog. So here goes.

How does wool work as a nappy cover?

I'll start with an explanation. Wool is absorbent, but absorbs very slowly. Because of the body heat of your baby, and the warmth of the wool, it also allows moisture to evaporate, and this happens at the same rate as it absorbs, especially if the...

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Pregnancy reflection

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:50 pm
Ok so it's not really the end of my pregnancy just yet but I thought I best get this down before I run out of time. I'm how 34 +4 and I have to say other than clearly over doing some days this pregnancy hasn't been too bad. I had nausea in the beginning but no actual sickness and the pelvic pain from about 14 weeks was a real pain if I had a busy day but once I learned my limits it was much easier to cope. Overall it hasn't been too bad really.
I'm slightly afraid of what comes next. It's been so...

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28 weeks with baby number 3

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:26 pm
I had forgotten I had this little corner, I'm glad I found it though as today I just need a bit of space to let off steam.
Today I'm tired; physically and mentally and emotionally. It's days like this that I question my own sanity at adding to our family, whether we are doing the right thing, for everyone. How will the older 2 cope? Will I cope? Will J? Or have I just lost the plot and this is going to be a really stupid thing to do?
I don't regret this baby, he is not now and will never be a mistake...

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Starwars 7

by Clothachu on Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:00 pm
Hello everyone

So, We were bored and of cause we decided to go to see SW 7. so we went to Batley cinama first and, every ticket was sold out until 18:00. Then we went to huddersfield and the next movie was at 16:45, and it was ten to three so while we waited :waiting: :waiting: ...

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SNOW!!! First time ive played with it!!!!!!!!

by Clothachu on Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:16 am
HELLO! I woke up this morning and well it was 9 oclock in the morning so thats why im off school today and I outside to go to the toilet because the toilet is outside SSSSSSSSSNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: ...

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