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Magical sun power

by Sophiebeth23 on Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:33 pm
I have say I didn't believe that the sun would get the stains out of my beautiful nappies. So I conducted a very scientific experiment when I peg them on the line ones with stains I used 3 pegs. When I asked dh to go fetch the washing in he asked why I had used 3 pegs on some nappies as they all looked spotless to him. Clearly the sun bleaching is magic.
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A new start

by sim on Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:34 pm
I haven't touched this in ages but need a place to record the happenings of my sleep plan with DS2.
He has gone from being a reasonable sleeper to a totally unreasonable one. Last night (11/9/13) looked like this:

7:00 bedtime feed
8:20 feed
9:30 feed (daddy tried unsuccessfully to settle)
10:50 feed
1:10 feed
3:20 feed
4:46 feed
5:20 feed and up for the day

At least he goes right back to sleep after feeding but this is exhausting me!

So I cracked out the well worn copy of No Cry Sleep Solution...

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Let the journey begin!

by Edit on Tue May 21, 2013 3:16 pm
Yesterday I pre-washed my first 6 cloth nappies, they are on the airer right now (it is really cold here these days so they did not get dry overnight), and tomorrow our cloth nappy adventure begins :yahoo:

But our story started more than 10 years ago when I heard a program on the radio about disposable nappies. I don't remember what they said in that program but I remember very well that I was shocked....

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3 Comments Viewed 552372 times

Enabling Hibernation in Ubuntu 12.04 on a Lenovo T400

by MrC on Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:24 am
In the hope that this helps someone out there do something that took way too much of my time and so that I don't forget:

1) First off make sure your swap partition is bigger than your RAM otherwise you wont have enough space to save the contents of your memory. Use gparted or whatever takes your fancy. Plenty of help on the net for this so I won't go into it.

2) Hibernation was removed from Ubuntu so you need to get it back into you shutdown menu again:
Code: Select all
sudo nano /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla

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1 Comment Viewed 471487 times

Potty aware

by june2007 on Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:23 pm
My DS is 2 1/2 but is young for his age. He shows an interest in the potty and will do a wee and sometimes a poo on the potty. Sometimes he will go to it on his own. Sometimes he will tell me he needs changing. However none of this is consistent or reliable. So I am keeping him in nappies and offering the potty at each change. Should I wait a bit longer for him to become more aware or be more proactive? My DD was being toilet trained at this age and was more or less dry during the day? But every...

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