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A lead up to now

by beck on Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:57 pm
A quick run up to right now.

Bren was diagnosed with Kidney failure just before his 21st birthday - 2000

We met the next year, we were only together for 3 months when he got sick and was admitted to hospital. It was through a routine scan that they found a Renal cell carcinoma (cancer of the kidney) his right kidney was removed October 2001 and thankfully he was contained and hadn't spread.

Because of his Renal failure and one kidney having been removed his body couldn't cope his condition advanced...

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7 Comments Viewed 140186 times

Isabelle's night nappy stash

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:20 pm
Isabelle's night nappies:

Jimmy Riddles Organic Bamboo Velour (OBV)
Holdens Landings dreamscape OBV
Puddlepants Weedies

Pockets (all stuffed with hemp and bamboo):
Standard Minki - Large
Lil' Stinkee - Large
Lil' Stinkee - Onesize
Weenotions - Onesize poppers (have an aplix one but that doesn't stay on)
Slinki Minki - Large (this is a backup nappy as it's a little on the small side now...)

And a few pairs of woolies to go over the top of the fitteds ...

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My stash for Bump :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:16 pm
Thought I'd keep my list for Bump on here...

Possibly yet to buy but might not...
1 x Northern lights with matching small and NB wrap
A few more wraps I think too...

Sized Fitteds: (32)
2 x Small Lucy's Hope Chest (LHC) organic bamboo velour (OBV)
1 x Small HL(Holden's Landings) Dreamscape (night nappy but I'm sure it'll be used daytimes too)
1 x Small Jimmy Riddles elephants
11 x Size 1 tots (organic and original) dyed various colours
1 x Little Lambs size 1 red&yellow dip dyed
6 x XS Sandies...

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2 Comments Viewed 90422 times

My pregnancy diary

by littlesez on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:13 am
Well I am starting from now which is 33 weeks +4, due on 15th Feb. I have had a very easy time of it, no complications or issues. I am extremely grateful for this but unfortunatley it means i annoy others with my constant state of excitement and positivity about pregnancy! I have genuinely loved every minute of it and why not, its a fabulous time of life, the best yet. My hubby Rob is equally giddy, we're both really excited about our new addition and becoming parents. ...

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6 Comments Viewed 414310 times

blogs ???????

by charliesam on Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:07 pm
i am vvvvvv computer ignorant and not 100% sure what a blog is :oops: :oops: :oops: i'm sure my 10yr old could tell me ...

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3 Comments Viewed 93168 times